I went to the ER to visit a friend who fell off a counter and hit the edge of her table, ribs first. Crunch. Ouch. She’s back home and she’ll be fine. But…
I thought maybe the grown up thing to do would be to buy her a card and bring her lunch, but I can’t stand buying cards. I mean really, why pay $3 for a piece of paper that is going to end up in the trash. So I looked thru some of MY OWN cards that people had given to me.
I found one of those giant musical cards: Original price $9.99 (OMG!).
I simply used a little white out and a few markers…
And it was as good as new. The best part? When you open it up it plays the “Chicken Dance.” She laughed so hard it made her cry.
I also brought her some chicken noodle soup from Panera.
And I picked up a few extra things for myself as well (ie. brown mustard packets, butter, and extra napkins!).
Also, The Girl and I went to a Hanukkah party.
I played the dreidel game for the first time and won a paper plate (I’ll be able to reuse it!) full of yummy chocolate candies, which I of course intend to use to help stuff my latest and greatest pinata creation.
We also watched the kids act out a play. Something about a building, a rock, a some Greek soldiers. I think it may have been the story of Hanukkah, but I was so busy stuffing my face with potato pancakes and apple sauce so I’m not too sure.
Oh and the Mavis moment of the evening? Apparently someone forgot to put the rolls out (I swear it wasn’t me), so the hostess made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.
Hey Mavis. We forgot to eat the rolls. Do you want them?
Sure. What do you want to trade for.
What do you have?
How about some shampoo & conditioner.
And that’s the story of how I scored free condiments, 3 dozen rolls & a plate full of chocolate this weekend.
The end.
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