If your husband is anything like mine, I’m sure he has a few key phrases that drive you bonkers.
I’ll look into it. (Translation: No…)
When is the party? Can we cancel the party? Would you please stop planning parties? I never had any parties when I was a kid and I survived! (No. Because even though you nag me each and every time up until the party starts, I know that you have a good time BECAUSE YOU TELL ME SO!)
Can you remind me about that later? (Oh that’s right. I forgot I’m your on demand personal calendar.)
I’m not going. I think I have to work that day. (No you don’t and YES, you are coming with us.)
I didn’t know that? How was I suppose to know? (Because I told you about 10,005 freakin times.)
What do you want for your Birthday, Mother’s Day, Valentines Day, Christmas? (Nothing but if you feel you NEED TO BUY something how about a Panera Gift card?)
I’m not getting you that (Then WHY ASK ME?)
So here’s the story:
Last October (of 2009…) the cable company was switching over to some sort of converter box.
Basically, you would only get channels 1-12 unless you hooked up the box. My husband signed us up asap of course not wanting to miss out on any man sports or CNN or cheesy re-runs of Colombo.
The converter boxes arrived LAST OCTOBER (2009). After a week went by I asked him when he was going to hook up the boxes. “Can you remind me about it later?”
Another month or two goes by and I asked again. “Can you remind me about it later?”
Then around June I told him that if he didn’t hook up the boxes THAT WEEKEND I was going to take the boxes back. Because after all, we were paying $60.99 a month for “expanded cable” when in reality we were only getting 12 channels (basic cable) and that it was stupid to be paying an extra $44.63 a month for something we were not able to use. “Okay, okay. Remind me to do it this weekend and I’ll get them hooked up.”
Tomorrow will be December 1st. Has he hooked up the boxes yet? NO.
So what’s a miserly housewife to do? She gathered up all the boxes and RETURNED THEM to the cable company and downgraded the cable to “basic cable.” You know with only 12 channels. The same channels we’ve been watching for the past 14 months!!!
And just so you know, I plan on NOT telling him I returned the cable boxes. Let’s just see how long it takes him to “remember” that “Install Cable Boxes” was on his to do list.
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