Is it summer already?
Did I miss the memo?
Here are the top 21 reasons why Mavis may not be posting here on a regular basis anytime soon. But then again, maybe she will.
#1 Mavis is in the middle of a pinata nightmare.
#2 Mavis bought a map & is on vacation.
#3 Mavis is out picking snow peas.
#4 Mavis is busy moving her chickens to the “Chicken Mc Mansion.”
#5 Mavis is in jail for egging the PTA Lady’s house for having the nerve to call her again and ask her if she would make 10,005 pancakes for the drama club.
#6 Mavis is busy making pancakes for the drama club.
#7 Mavis is busy with double coupons… because she knows that when the world comes to an end people are going to pay BIG MONEY for toothpaste and panty liners… and she will have a 10 year supply of each and will rake in the dough.
#8 Mavis is tired of being sick and wishes she could stick the vacuum nozzle down her throat to suck out all the mucus.
#9 Mavis is at a buffet with her brown stretchy dress because she cannot fit comfortably into one of the dresses that is a size too small.
#10 Mavis is at a wedding eating cold chicken and a funky salad and talking to people she will never see again.
#11 Mavis is feeding her parents chicken BBQ.
#12 Mavis is watching teenagers beat her one of a kinda pinata that so far has taken 2 people about 25 hours to construct.
#13 Mavis is busy chaperoning an end of the year dance and trying not to embarrass her children while dancing the funky chicken.
#14 Mavis is busy helping The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird train for her first 5k.
#15 Mavis is washing laundry with her endless supply of free laundry detergent.
#16 Mavis is high on coupon crack.
#17 Mavis is busy building a huge bon fire because the paper shredder broke and she needs to burn a bunch of crap.
#18 Mavis is busy trying to figure out how to use the Euro sign button on her key pad. Does anyone know?
#19 Mavis is busy replanting cucumber and zucchini seeds because it rained for 3 weeks straight and they didn’t make it.
#20 Mavis is busy making ice because she simply refuses to buy it at the convenience store.
#21 Mavis is busy watching a parade.
#22 Mavis is tired… and needs to sleep… but she can’t sleep… because she is sick… and has a boatload of stuff to do.
How about you?
Is anything on your “To Do” list?
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