Dear Reader,
Mavis will no longer be “jumping” as in “jumping off the processed food chain.”
Mavis began this blog one day (about 2 years ago) after she Googled the words “Organic Gardening.” It lead her to a blog called Future House Farm which lead her to a few other interesting blogs like Fast Grow the Weeds and Path to Freedom.
She eventually clicked on a comment that ThyHand had left on their website which led her to MamaJJ and somehow along the way she found Mr. H. And somehow some other people eventually found her.
And because Mavis enjoyed reading about other peoples lives, she thought she should start her own blog. Maybe someone would find her blog as interesting as she found theirs.
And so she did.
There’s only 1 problem: Mavis no longer feels the need to document what she is buying. She no longer wants to keep a tally of each and every avocado or box of wheat thins she buys.
She no longer wants to feel guilty for throwing a .59 cent pint of Hagen Daz ice cream in her cart for all the teenagers to devour who come here regularly. She no longer wants to be judged for buying/not buying local or organic or to rationalize WHY she brought 100 boxes of FREE MONEY MAKING CEREAL home. She no longer feels the need to tell you that she kept 20 boxes and gave the other 80 away.
Bottom line, “Jumping off the processed food chain” no longer belongs at the top of her blog. Now don’t get me wrong, Mavis HAS made some pretty big changes around here in the past year like:
Instead of buying super cheap eggs at Costco from diseased caged birds, she now has a flock of her own birds: 8 to be exact. So now instead of buying crappy eggs she eats home grown organic free range eggs and her children have 8 unique backyard pets. Something she NEVER in a million years would of ever done if she didn’t read about backyard chickens online.
Also, Mavis and family no longer buy Factory Farmed meat. Nope. Only happy, humanely raised organic meat, and I think that is a biggie!
Also, through reading other people’s blogs, Mavis discovered raised garden beds. And if there is one thing Mavis loves to do all summer long it’s grow free food. And LOTS of it!
So even though the title of this blog has changed, Mavis has not. She’s still here, still crazy, still clipping coupons, still daring grocery store managers to throw her out of their grocery stores for buying each and every item with a coupon. She still tries daily to annoy her husband and her kids and she’s still collecting cans along side of the road and as of late she has been seen walking into Panera for the free bread samples and using their toilets on her walks and filling up her water bottle with FREE water from the bathroom sink only to sneak out the back door like a crazy lady.
Yep she’s still here. Just under a different title.
FYI: Since returning from London, Mavis LOVES to say the word toilets, as in “Excuse me… where are the toilets?” Because in Europe they don’t ask where the BATHROOM is unless of course you want to bathe. In fact Mavis loves to ask, “Where are the toilets” soooo much that she does it when out in public just to watch the Handsome Husband squirm.
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