Spring has arrived. I think I read the weather is suppose to be in the mid 60’s this week.
And the peas are growing fast.
The strawberries are coming back to life.
And look, my second batch of peas is starting to sprout.
The chives are also appearing and I think it might be time to plant out the kale and Walla Walla onions this week.
I have some VERY EXCITING news to share with you on the “pet chicken” situation. But you’ll have to wait another day or two.
Do you grow Shasta Daisies? I HEART them. I don’t like to cut them just look at them.
The rhubarb plants I bought last year from the Farmer’s Market are looking good. They were looking even better before the chickens decided to snack on them.
The raspberry Jungle is looking nice. I hope I have enough this year to make 1 batch of jam and maybe some to freeze.
Does this pear branch look like a chicken foot to you? I think it’s kinda creepy.
The blueberries are back in business. Last year I planted 12 (I think) bushes. The chickens LOVE blueberries and so do we.
Speaking of chickens, I have come up with a new job for them. Since their job of fertilizing the garden boxes is finished for the season, I have enlisted them as official weed pullers or weed eaters. Basically I move the Eglu around to a new spot every few days (that has weeds) and they peck away looking for bugs and of course eat the weeds too. It’s pure genius if you ask me.
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