In 2012 I was able to grow 2,028 pounds of vegetables in our backyard garden. Not only was it a crazy undertaking, but it was an amazing amount of fun. We’ve moved twice since then {you can read all about the house where this all started, and the HOA house if you’re interested} and now that we have finally settled in to our new life here on the East coast, I thought it might be fun once again to keep a tally of all the glorious fruits and vegetables we are able to harvest in a growing season.
I set my garden budget {seeds, compost, and garden supplies like a new bulbs for my grow lights, an indoor/outdoor thermometer, row covers etc.} at $500 for this year. Ideally, I’d love it if I could sell $500 worth of our extra garden goodness at the end of our driveway at a pop up farm stand {a table really} to recoup the money spent on our vegetable garden. Poundage wise though, I have no expectations for this year. I’m just hoping to grow enough food for our family, and a little extra for the neighbors.
This morning I went out to the garden to harvest chives for a quiche when I noticed there were a few other items ready to gather up as well. And so it begins!
The backyard vegetable garden tally of 2018:
Green Onion 5 ounces
Swiss Chard 12 ounces
Turnips 3 pounds
- Chives 2 ounces
- Mint 1 ounce
- Oregano 2 ounces
Total Food Harvested in 2018 4 Pounds 6 Ounces
Total Eggs Collected in 2018 {with 7 hens} 0 {the ladies are just 8 weeks old}
I have absolutely no idea if I’ll be able to achieve my goal of recouping our $500 garden budget, or how much we’ll grow this year, but with any adventure, half the fun is getting there, right?
Keep Calm and Dig on! Enjoy the weekend everyone,
If you are new to gardening or just want to learn more about organic gardening, my #1 favorite garden book is The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food By Tanya L.K. Denckla.
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