Mrs. HB is too busy drinking Diet Cokes and getting ready for her mom to visit {for 2 whole weeks!} so she won’t be chiming in this week. And to be totally honest, I’m not sure she will have the time to write a post next week either. So instead, I thought I’d tell you about a few of the conversations we had this week.
While at the Home Depot shopping for spray paint and wood screws together:
Mavis: At what income level do you say “You know, I think spending $328 on an 8 ft plastic dinosaur is a good idea?”
Mrs. HB: “A twelve year old. A 12 year old would think spending $328 on an 8 ft plastic dinosaur would be a good idea.”
Seriously! Who is paying $328 for a plastic dinosaur? I need to know.
Also, this picture, was caught mid yawn. Which is something I seem to do a lot of apparently. Mrs. HB, the HH and The Girl have all told me the noise I make when I yawn is ridiculous. But I can’t help it. Or keep it in. It feels good to have a nice yawn, doesn’t it? Who’s with me on this one?
Patio lights. I mentioned to Mrs. HB a few weeks ago that I thought her patio would look spectacular with patio lights. Maybe it’s because I have patio light envy and totally want to install some but my back porch isn’t really all that patio light friendly. Anywho, she bought a 2 packs of lights and we strung them up while her husband was at work.
Because you know, husbands.
That Mrs. HB, she’s been busy! She also stained her chicken coop and has been planting flowers like mad.
I don’t think I’ve ever come across multicolored coneflowers in the store before. Have you?
And now this is where I am going to ask for YOUR HELP. Mrs. HB and I don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. Which I think is why after 13 years, we still like each other. I guess we find each other entertaining and honestly, the conversation is never dull. The big things, we mostly agree on, but the little things? Whoa Nellie!
Mavis: “What is the deal with you and not cutting the spinach leaves? Nobody wants to try and wrangle 4″ spinach leaves into their mouth. It’s awkward”
Mrs. HB “I don’t mind.”
Mavis: “Do you eat in front of people?”
Mrs. HB “Oh my word.”
So this is where I need your help. If you were making a salad that called for 4 cups of packed spinach leaves, would you chop the spinach leaves before adding them in to the salad first? Or just throw them in? Let me remind you, these are not baby spinach leaves, but the full sized spinach leaves they sell in bags in the produce section.
Do you chop the leaves first because you like things a particular way {clearly you like structure}? Or throw all the leaves into the salad with wild abandon {because you have other priorities than chopping leaves}?
Nice doggy. Nice dog. Okay, are you ready for the next question?
When you ask to use the restroom in someones home, do you prefer to walk into the bathroom and find the toilet seat up, or down? Does this even bother you? Would this even register in your mind? And we are not talking about this as a one time thing, but more of a lifestyle choice. So which is it? Up or down?
Mrs. HB told me I could totally post this on the blog {Because really, we’ve been friends for 13 years and these are the type of conversations we have, so you must be having them with your friends and want answers too}.
Mrs. HB: Oh my stars. At least the portion you sit on was down. Sometimes you have to pick your battles and just let some things go. I’ve got enough on my plate with keeping my house clean and organized and presentable without having to worry about a darn toilet seat.
Mavis: Alrighty then.
Then Mrs. HB volunteered to come over and critique my house and all my idiosyncrasies which I thought, hey that’s a great idea, then I’ll know what I might need to change before putting our house up for sale. But then she was like…
Mrs. HB: Oh wait, you don’t HAVE ANYTHING in your house. It’s so sparse you’d have nothing to critique. Ahhh hahahaha!
So which is it? Do you prefer the toilet seat up? Or down? Spinach leaves chopped or thrown in with wild abandon?
We need to know.
~Mavis & Mrs. HB
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Linda says
I side with Mrs HB on both. I don’t cut up my lettuce leaves or spinach leaves. People can cut themselves. This isn’t a restaurant. Also she has plenty of other stuff to worry about than the state of her toilet seat. At least the toilet is clean.
I love that you two can have these conversations and still want to see each other.
UpstateNYer says
I leave my seat open. I live alone and don’t have dogs that might consider it a water drinking bowl. There are some feng shui rules to keep it down if you have a window in your bathroom. It pertains to loosing money. But I don’t follow it. Hmmm looking at my recent bank statement, perhaps I should?
As for visiting someones home and it is down? I don’t care. Just like I don’t care which way the toilet paper is hanging on the roll.
Katie P NC says
Ha! I do the closing the toilet seat thing because of “flushing away money” Feng Shui rule. I don’t know why other than since it is in my head if I leave it up I will constantly think “what if it really happens.” It doesn’t bother me at other people’s houses if the lid is up when I walk in but I do close the lid if I use the facilities.
Amanda says
Toilet lid up or down? Up is marginally more convenient, especially at my house where I have three small kids who sometimes are in a rush once they get to the bathroom. I’m also a total heathen and I don’t give a hoot which at the toilet paper hangs. I’ve contemplated deliberately switching it backwards at the houses of people who care, cause I’m apparently evil that way.
Spinach is definitely too big whole, but I tear it up. Because I like a little chaos in my life.
Mel says
Oh, so I’m not alone on the temptation to switch toilet paper to the other direction? That’s so good to know. Really, it’s a miracle if I can get my husband to put a new roll on the dispenser instead of balancing it precariously on top.
Erin says
Lid up. I have too many close calls to worry about getting my pants down and the lid up in time!
Cheryl says
Yeah I’ve reached that age, where the lid better be up or I am going to need a mop!
Mrs HB says
lol Me too !!!!
Helen in Meridian says
Me 3, I need all doors open and unbutton on the way in. I thought the lid up meant when your husband forgets and you fall in the toilet in the middle of the night.
Joanna says
I would cut the spinach, but it would be a dumping it on a cutting board and chop at it way, not neatly cutting it.
I like to have the seat down in the bathroom guests use, when people come over. However, colon cancer and pelvic radiation has me keeping the lid up other times. 😀
Kelly says
I too agree with Mrs. HB! Sorry Mavis!
Kathy says
Tear the spinach not cut. As I do woth lettuce as well.
As for toilet lid, HAS to be down. Do you know how much bacteria get spred when you flush with it up? Makes me want to wash my hands after I leave the bathroom if lid is left up. Ewwwww.
Melinda says
I agree – tear the spinach.
MEM says
I agree – tear the spinach AND keep the toilet seat and lid down. My husband – who is not a neat freak – does freak out when the lid is left up because of the bacteria (e. coli especially) that can get sprayed around the bathroom.
Constance Wheeler says
We keep the lid up … the reason? It’s a good one !! I take water pills every day and sometimes I don’t need anything in my way when I get to the bathroom !! AND, bathrooms in most restaurants, hospitals, etc. are either without lids or are most always up.. guess they don’t like to clean up the messes that can happen if you leave the lid down either .. 😉
Mrs. Hillbilly says
Thank you Linda and you beat me … I wanted to be the first to respond because I had something more to add. It’s a bit embarrassing but over the last several years I’ve noticed that thing most women of a certain age start to experience and it’s not pretty! remember that “let down ” of milk from your nursing days ? Well now it happens to me but it’s not milk , it’s of the golden variety and out of the lower region. If you know what I mean . Once the seat WAS down and I didn’t know . I was in a rush because thats how it is now once the urge come and had a wholly mess . Again if you can visualize. Or maybe not . So out of need for every second counting to get to that throne, the seat will stay up . Sorry Ms. Mavis, love ya though !
Helen in Meridian says
Yes, and this reminds me of a quick bathroom call before heading back to class in college. Someone had saran wrapped the toilet and I didn’t notice. Oh happy days. Late to that class.
Lisa MTB says
I’d probably just go for the baby spinach and not worry about leaf size. If I grew or was given regular spinach, I’d probably chop it up a bit. Toilet lid down. Pets in the house.
Julie says
toilet seat down except for one bathroom that has a pretty painted imported toilet – the bowl in nice enough to leave it up. as far as the spinach goes, depends on how quick I need to get a salad on the table. If I’ve got time, I would cut it, if not get a knife and cut it yourself.
Constance Wheeler says
Spinach and/or lettuce? I only use baby spinach & butter lettuce and I cut them both up! I have done this for about 40 years since my grandpa told me he really loved my salads because everything was cut up so small it was easy for him to get it on his fork. I myself really hate big pieces of lettuce because it gets the salad dressing all over your face when you eat it .. makes me mad to have to use a knife to cut up my salad for heaven’s sake!
Nancy D says
Hi Constance: Oh! I do things a certain way because I remember MY grampa commenting on how much he liked it! Brings a smile to my face and a hug to my heart! A wonderful, wonderful man!
Amy says
SO this conversation is totally funny – you two sound like very fun neighbors and I have neighbor envy 🙂 🙂 🙂
Toilet seat – who cares? Really… I don’t like the SEAT up, but the lid really doesn’t matter one way or the other… unless you have a dog that likes to drink from the toilet… or a toddler who likes toilet fishing – the totally lid down.
Spinach leaves – cut in half, thank you very much 🙂 but if they are whole,I fold them with my fork so as to not be sloppy eating. Life requires flexibility 🙂 this is a small thing in life, but if I am making the salad, spinach leaves are cut. Even the baby ones.
Leanna says
This is around the corner from my house.
erin in iowa says
Oh my!….I take it you don’t have an hoa?!
Ginger says
Erin…best comment. You cracked me up!
Christina says
Ha! You all remind me of one of my best friend and I!
Cut the spinach. How can you even toss it in the bowl with it being so big.
I never gave much thought to the toilet lid. That really is up to the person.
Beth says
I tear spinach leaves when I make salad. As for toilet seats, we definitely like them to be left down.
lynne says
BWAAA-HAAA,,,oh my goodness…the conversations you two have! To be a fly on the wall….
Spinach just thrown in the bowl – no chopping.
Toilet seat always up. I found that when my hubster let the cover down in “his” bathroom, mold would start forming on the inside of the bowl inbetween cleanings. Left up, never have a problem. Air circulation – it’s a good thing. lynneinWI
eliz says
Seat down. I don’t understand when a guest uses the toilet and doesn’t return it to the down position, unless it is a child. My husband and I both leave it down.
Julie P says
We use baby spinach so no cutting. Toilet seat, preferably down but as long as at least one seat is down it’s ok. You guys are so funny.
Jamie says
Water/bacteria finely sprays from the toilet when you flush amd coat everything in the bathroom if the lid isn’t down. Originally learned of this when I was a babysitter/nanny and the father of the family told me how/why they flush. Read more about it and you’ll be grossed out, especially if you leave things like your toothbrush on the counter.
Sarah says
DOWN DOWN DOWN…..Nasty bacteria sprays everywhere.
And I only buy baby spinach.
Tamara says
Completely agree. Who wants bacteria sprayed all over the place (for example, your tooth brush)? Also, life is too short to buy anything but baby spinach.
Angela D. says
Yes–seat down!!! Bacteria!!! We know this now…years ago, maybe not, but now we do!
Lisa says
Down…if you’ve ever dropped something in the bathroom to have it end up in the toilet you’ll totally understand! Why is the lid there otherwise? Kind of like the closet door in my foyer…I threaten to take it off if the rest of the family can’t close it when they are done in it
Lea says
Absolutely down. Up= gross in my mind!
Spinach? Small I don’t cut it up, large I rough chop.
Mavis, you two are hilarious!
AJ says
Seat down for sure because I’m always afraid I’m going to drop something in it, although that has never actually happened. (Our bathroom cabinet is above the toilet, so it’s totally possible. My HH likes to tease me about the possibility. 🙂 )
Also, I totally thought you were open-mouthed in shock at the dinosaur and it’s price, which seems very appropriate, so I guess Mrs. HB picked a good moment for the picture 🙂
Mary F. Campbell says
Toilet seat up. Spinach tossed in with wild abandon. 🙂
eliz says
Mavis- Did you finish Working Stiff? What did you think?
Mavis Butterfield says
I really liked it. I could have been a ME. Fascinating job.
Sarah says
Of course I agree with you, Mavis. Now. Has Mrs. HB taken the MBTI yet? I’m so curious if her type is that of my friends who banter with me about such things and love me in spite of my INTJ quirks <3
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes. I think Mrs HB was the INFJ personality type if I remember.
Sarah says
My best friend is an INFJ. They must be a good match to INTJs.
Aunt G says
Spinich whole or slightly torn…
Toilet seat up–always! But the toilet better be spotless.
***response to another post***
We have been on the Dave Ramsey plan for 10 years. We are very disciplined with money, but disagree with you about using credit cards. 99% of the people would overspend, not payback etc… If using credit cards for rewards. You’re truly unique and I applaud your discipline.
Stacy says
thanks for the laugh today — I needed it : )
KC says
I like smaller pieces in salads… but uncut spinach leaves last for longer in the fridge if there’s leftover salad. So, I prefer not cutting if there’s a good chance of leftovers, but also strongly prefer baby spinach for salads.
(also, if going to a potluck or hosting a large meal, I aim for spinach salads with ingredients that’ll sautee up nicely for a frittata the next day, just in case; doesn’t matter how big the bowl of leftover spinach is, when you fry it, it’ll shrink and fit in a frittata…)
Dawnelle says
I went and got the deals too- I actually did 10 bags of sugar, 5 milks, 5 cartons of eggs. Great deals!
Spinach- I hate having big leaves. I actually like chopped salads where everything is diced small.
Claire says
Toilet seat “down” before you flush. Think “spray” and related bacteria – nuff said!
Spinach leaves torn gently as time allows – less leeching of nutrients
Julianne says
YES!!! I visualize this bacteria, fecal-y cloud when I flush. Have you guys seen the Mythbusters episode of this?? **shudders** It’ll make you change your mind.
Lunch Lady says
Toilet lid ALWAYS up. I don’t turn on any lights when I get up in the middle of the night. My toothbrush is pretty far away. Spinach leaves, leave them alone.
I did get 5 sugar 3 eggs 2 Life cereal. Mix and matchers for .99
I’ll head there for cheese this week too.
Check Grocery Outlet for butter! I found 3 pounds for &7.50 at the McMinnville Store in Oregon. $2.50 a pound for Land-O-Lakes Butter!
Marcia says
Spinach: I really don’t like raw spinach. But:
1. First, remove the stems
2. Tear the leaves into smaller pieces
I eat salad for lunch every day. Honestly, I would chop my leave into slivers if they didn’t get brown from chopping. So I do that when I eat at home, but at work I tear the leaves and just deal with it.
Toilet: I’m just happy if there’s not pee on it. I have two boys
bobbi dougherty says
spinach leaves chopped. I prefer the toilet seat up, haha. when ya gotta go, ya gotta go….
Katherine says
Spinach baby or not and all lettuce gets either torn or cut when I prepare it. While eating at a restaurant with my husband and one of his co-workers and his girlfriend, the co-worker told me that it was rude of me to cut my salad. Not missing a beat I told him that it was rude of him to correct and that if the lettuce, which was cut but in rather large chunks, had been cut to fit in my mouth it would be a non issue.
Toilet – ALWAYS down. When I see the toilet lid up, no matter where I am or how clean it looks, I want to power wash the bathroom with bleach.
Sue says
I don’t grow my spinach so I buy baby because it’s so tender, one of my goals this coming spring is to plant seeds. One of my pet peeves is seeing the toilet lid up. I always put it down after use. When some one is showing a house for sale I think it’s disgusting for the lid to be open. I do understand why some people need it open for health reasons or for smaller children. You and Mrs HB make a perfect pair, I bet there’s never a dull moment. Good close friends are wonderful!
Arbie says
You two are too funny!
Spinach left whole
Toilet seat up
Deborah from Texas says
Our seat stays down, but the lid is up. As for Spinach, tear it into bite size pieces. Yum!
Kelli says
Spinach needs to be baby spinach or chopped.
Toilet seat is ALWAYS down. The thought of all those germs floating around when you flush totally freaks me out!
L. says
Whole spinach should be chopped or torn.
Toilet seat down, toilet lid down. Why have a toilet lid at all if you’re going to leave it up LOL. And yes bacteria spray and unsightly things are in issue….
Cathrin says
Spinach chopped and toilet set down
Nicole says
Made an agreement long ago with the boys in my family. Since I am requesting that they put the seat down, we ALL will put the lid down after use. That way the lid/seat is returned to a neutral state for all. Later I learned abut the bacteria spreading when you flush while the lid is up so now I personally make sure the lid is down before flushing.
Roughly tear the spinach leaves into smaller pieces.
Traci says
Same here on both accounts
Chris says
Toilet seat down. Ewwww on keeping it up. I don’t want to walk in a bathroom of my home or anyone else’s and see inside the bowl. Ever.
And when you flush with the lid up, all those germs shoot all over the bathroom. That’s the real reason to keep the lid down. Ewww.
Unless it’s baby spinach or cooked, I cut the stems.
Barb says
Spinach (and all salad fixings) are bite sized. I hate having to work to eat a salad.
All toilet seats and lids are always down–except the master toilet (which only my husband uses)–and it’s in a little room by itself.
Lauralli says
I’m on the fence about the salad because I always buy baby spinach leaves–which really aren’t all that small. But, I pick off the stems unless I’m putting it in a smoothie–everything else gets the stems pinched off. I don’t know why. I just hate them. Idiosyncrasies abound here!
The toilet lid (NOT seat) needs to be up! I don’t want to wonder what’s under the lid and I don’t want to touch it! 🙂
Lauralli says
P.S.–people are watching WAY too many 20/20/Dateline type shows. Unless you’ve got commercial toilets installed in your home they are NOT that powerful to spray all over your bathroom! But, I can’t get away from the commercial toilets fast enough–they spray far & wide!
TwoYorkies says
Agree, I’m sure there is some spray in homes, but 8 ft?? Especially not with the newer toilet designs that use less water.
Amber says
My toilet lid is always down… my mom raised me that way. I didn’t even have to train my husband! When I asked how he knew to do so, his reply..”my mom kept that stupid rug on the lid so you had to hold it up when peeing”. LOL
I have a friend who always left the lid UP, so our joke was that she would need to leave a quarter each time she did so. I “think” I finally have her trained to put the lid down at my house.
Fun conversations with good friends never go out of style!
Pamela says
I don’t eat spinach so I have no opinion. The only time I close a toilet lid is if I am using a bathroom, that is not mine, and the toilet is right next to the counter. Then I would be afraid of knocking something in it if I were brushing my hair or teeth or something. I was thinking of my parents bathroom growing up. Also it really bothers me if someone posts a picture online and they use their large bathroom mirror to show their outfit or something and the toilet isn’t closed. For some reason that really really bothers me!
Lisa says
So funny. I never would think it would bother me but I did get stressed and a little annoyed the last few times I was Somewhere and the seat was down only because I had to touch the lid and was nervous of the condition in the bowl in case the lid was down for a reason Also extra step. As for spinach my preference depends on the recipe
Candice says
Hahaha! you guys are too much! In my house I prefer the toilet seat down and the large size spinach leaves torn (but I cut off the stems and toss in the compost bin), In another house, well, it’s their house so they can do it any way they like.
Christa H. says
Always, Always- toilet seat down to control bacteria and cats drinking the water. Besides- it’s just gross to have seats up. Don’t want to see the insides.
Spinach should never be cut, it bruises the edges so raw leftovers would bruise. One should “gently” tear clean and dried leaves if they are too large and fold and tear out any woody stems. I am a Family and Consumer Science teacher (Home Ec).
Mary Pearce says
Chop those spinach leaves! And while you’re at it, chop up the rest of the vegetables in that salad! I want to be able to get a bite the into my mouth without having to twist and stuff everything in; it’s also so much easier to chew.
And put the lid down on that toilet! Now your bathroom looks like you are ready for company. I trained three children and two husbands to do this, so it is doable. And your guests will feel that you care for their comfort.
Linda (there are a lot of us) says
So please publish the results, Mavis. I got a lot of laughs out of this. Thank you.
Spinach – not cut
Toilet lid-up, please But I had no idea this was such a hot topic.
Jenny Young says
Toilet lid down….it’s actually my husband who insists on this. Go figure.
You can chop your own spinach before you eat it. I don’t chop spinach.
Patti says
I would tear the spinach leaves and the toilet seat MUST be down! Nothing wrong with a sparse house. IMO, we would all do well to embrace it. I have been guilty of collecting in the past. My husband and I have really downsized this past year and purged a ton. It makes you realize how much money you waste on unimportant things. We moved to NE Florida 10 months ago. This week with Irma threatening, we had to decide if we were going to evacuate or not, what to take with us, what if we had flooding in our home….i placed all my books and family photos as high as I could and made the decision if we needed to evacuate, I would take our family bible from 1850 and as many family photo albums as I could. Those things could not be replaced. We were blessed. My garden took a beating and is practically submerged, but we were able to stay in are home and nothing else was damaged.
Mavis Butterfield says
Glad to hear you are safe. The garden will pop back. Take care Patti.
Tracy says
Tear the spinach. Toilet seat must be down!
tia in boise says
don’t care about chopping the spinach, but i usually try to get those stems off.
i like the lid up because i don’t want to TOUCH any part of the toilet! (i flush it with my elbow while i’m still sitting on it!)
Sarah says
But doesn’t your bum get sprayed with dirty toilet water if you flush while sitting? I thought most people flushed with their shoe in public toilets?
Cindy says
Spinach cut, don’t care about toilet lid. I do appreciate the seat being down though especially in the middle of the night!
Vivian says
Cut or tear the spinach and keep that toilet lid down! Gross!
Amy says
Spinach leaves whole (you can cut them with your knife yourself) and toilet seat down. I’ve read that the spray/mist can reach 8′ with a flush and animals and children can drown in an open toilet. Gross!
Vanessa Strawder says
Toilet seat down – I always like it shut to flush; and spinach leaves cut up- I like to make sure I get lots of my salad goodies in each bite.
Lisa says
Tear the spinach. And there is a REASON it’s called a lid!!! Toliet lid DOWN! I do t need to look into the toilet and definitely don’t want to drop something in the toilet! What’s the point if it’s not down?
Carol says
Restrooms are only found in public spaces. Private homes have bathrooms.
Heather says
Seat down and spinach torn down to at least baby spinach size please.
Laura says
I absolutely need the cover up and spinach is torn.
TwoYorkies says
This is hilarious! I’m an ISTJ, and I almost always agree with you Mavis, but I side with Mrs HB on this one!! Spinach is just thrown in with wild abandon.
Toilet seat down with the lid up! Saves precious time in that department! Always done it this way, and I am rarely if ever sick… If I’m at someone’s house with the lid down, I’ll put it back down for them out of respect. To all those who are grossed out by looking at the open toilet (mine is usually very clean), is it any better when you open a closed toilet lid and the toilet is dirty? Or even worse, there is a surprise waiting there for you? I would rather have the lid up, one less thing to touch!
Jeanie says
Chop the spinach and lid down but my two big dogs lift them up all day long and drink even though they have lovely fresh water bowls.
Brianna says
The price on the dinosaur is terrible, even if it didn’t sell and went 90% I probably wouldn’t buy it. Where would you store something that big? Do you break it apart to store it? Do you just leave it up year round and move it around your house throughout the year? What will Santa’s reindeer in the yard think when they see a big dinosaur? Why does everything in America have to be so big? Those giant teddy bears at Costco are scary enough, now a plastic dinosaur.
I close the toilet seat in our camper because I have dropped one too many toothbrushes into it. The bathroom is too small to manage daily duties without something falling into it, plus it keeps down on odor. In my house I leave the lid up. I have 3 little kids and they go with urgency and can barely get their pants off in time. I wouldn’t want to add to their stress. I also like to make sure everything makes its way down the toilet because I get grossed out by anything that decided to stay and if you close the lid right after elimination and before flushing , then how do you know it is looking its best for the next person? I don’t like getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night to stumble upon either a cold porcelain rim or a flat hard surface. It needs to be up before bedtime. I saw somewhere the other day that they make lights that are on the toilet seat that illuminate the bowl. I think my husband needs that when he uses the potty at night because the toilet lid might as well be down.
Spinach was meant to be eaten whole regardless of size. I think texture is compromised when cut. I like the velvety softness of it, but I’d remove the stems,
Mavis Butterfield says
Couldn’t agree more on Santa’s reindeer!
Linda says
Chopped please! At home the seat top is up.
Alice says
What are the five containers with brown lids in your shopping cart?
Torn spinach.
Lid down.
Stacey says
I tend to splash salad dressing on my clothes. Yes, I work hard to not ruin my clothes at work and change into grubbies as soon as I get home at night. Spinach must be chopped, or at least torn! I don’t care about the toilet seat. I really don’t 🙂
Robyn says
Whew! Glad you didn’t buy the dinosaur Mavis! Imagine the trauma it would’ve caused the flamingoes- not to mention Lucy
Lesile says
I’ve never seen anyone cut baby spinach. Never thought about that, actually.
Kathy says
Baby spinach so you don’t have to cut up anything, and for all that is good in this world, please put the toilet seat lid down.
Sarah Stauffer says
I didn’t even know People cut spinach leaves? That seems like such a waste of time to me.
And I have no idea what people’s toilet seats look like when I visit. I never notice. At our house it is always closed- only because we have those auto closet toilet bowl lids.
Susan S says
I’m with Mrs. HB on both issues… I don’t think cut leaves are the way to go unless it’s a chopped salad where everything is the same size. It’s on the person eating the salad to use a knife to cut any leaves that are bigger than they want to deal with. Also, as long as the portion you sit on is down, I don’t think it makes a bit of difference if the cover is down too. Sorry Mavis, on most things I’m with ya, but on these two particular matters, it’s Mrs. HB.
Karin says
For all the people who say lid down because of germs: Watch the shows that test purses and credit cards to see all the disgusting germs on those! Germs are everywhere. There are studies that show kitchen sinks are one of the germiest places in the home. If anyone out there has gotten sick from toilet spray germs please chime in.
Rajena says
I am with you Karin. Don’t forget about the phones we all pack around. I am more concerned over our door handles during cold season because they can pass germs and make people sick rather than the toilet spraying a small amount germs around not causing any illness that I’ve heard of. I’m also, I guess, in the minority because I leave the toilets open for the cats and dogs. Hydration is important, especially in cats, and the toilet is way cleaner than some of the water I have seen them drink on the farm. 😛
Sara says
Seat for SURE DOWN. Bacteria is part of my reasoning, but also I have the look of an open gaping toilet staring at me. AND I have a 16 month old who thinks it’s a baby bath. *face palm*. Although after reading the other comments about running to the bathroom I have two things to say- PLEASE try seeing a Physical Therapist who specializes in pelvic floor rehab- especially Mrs. HB- you are definitely not old enough for that! And I will be more compassionate & understanding when people do leave the toilet seat up.
I tear my spinach (& lettuce)- but I prefer the baby spinach. 🙂
Sara says
*hate the look
Wendy says
Tear or chop regular sized spinach– what are ya, animals? 😉 I grew up on a farm so it just reminds me too much of cattle chewing their cud, lol.
Toilet seat down always. I live with three males. The lid needs to be down. Did you all not watch the Myth Busters episode that talked about tooth brush contamination due to toilets being flushed with the lid up? lol
Jill says
I never thought much about either issue, but reading all these comments about toilet seats and spinach at the same time is making me a little nauseous . Also..thinking of using my clean fingers to lift toilet seats that have been sprayed with the flush also makes me a little queasy!
Cindy says
Sorry this comment is so late to the conversation but I thought it was worth mentioning. Several years ago, while having my spinach salad at work (I was probably eating too fast, we only had 15 minutes) some spinach slipped down not completely chewed. Long story short I ended up in the hospital, had to be sedated so they could use a scope to push it down into my stomach. I still eat spinach but carefully and CUT UP! As far as the toilet seat controversy, I put it down but husband and son not so much.
Mavis Butterfield says
How scary!! I’m glad you are okay.