The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever noteworthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the inter-web or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day.
Weinermobile Navigators Needed
I’m not sure anyone ever thinks, “hmmm, I really want to be a weinermobile driver when I grow up!” But it’s also one of those opportunities that just might be too hard to pass up if you’re in need of employment. Oscar Mayer announced they’re hiring new drivers, or as they call them, Wienermobile navigators. The one-year position offers benefits & competitive pay and you get to drive a freakin hot dog-shaped car for goodness sake! You’ll need a college degree, you must have an appetite for adventure, boundless enthusiasm, and a friendly personality. So who’s applying?
Before you blow out those candles on your birthday cake, hold up. There’s a study called “Bacterial Transfer Associated with Blowing Out Candles on a Birthday Cake.” And it’s exactly as icky as it sounds! The study said: “Blowing out the candles over the icing surface resulted in 1400% more bacteria compared to icing not blown on. Due to the transfer of oral bacteria to icing by blowing out birthday candles, the transfer of bacteria and other microorganisms from the respiratory tract of a person blowing out candles to food consumed by others is likely.” Well okay then. No more birthday candles in our house!!
Must Love KoolAid
Tropickles: fruit punch flavored pickles. They exist you guys. Like you can actually walk into WalMart and buy a jar of pickles that have been soaking and marinading in tropical punch KoolAid-type juice. Even if I could get over they way they look {I can’t}, I still couldn’t get over the gag reflex that happens when I think about them. Have you tried them? If so, I seriously need to know what you think!!
If that pint of ice cream is so good you want to enjoy every last drop and not share, this invention is for you. Before the Ben & Jerry’s Euphori-Lock, you would have to toss your unprotected pints in the freezer for any ice cream thief to access. If you were at work, a co-worker would certainly swipe a few bites. At home, your spouse would easily gobble the rest up. Never fear. The ice cream lock is here. It’s absurd and brilliant and I want one. It’s an actual combination lock for the lid of your ice cream. The only issue I could see would be remembering your lock combo, and if it’s anything like remembering my locker combo in high school, I’m in trouble.
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
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Lisa MTB says
OK, I must be a master ice cream thief because my first thought with the ice cream lock was to just take a knife and cut off the bottom of the container. On the other hand … survival skills!
Lisa says
Kathy says
Heather says
Me too. Isn’t that why we have ginzu knives?
Lynne says
Who has leftovers anyway, amiright?!
Melissa says
My husband took one glance and said the same thing lol – ice cream containers aren’t exactly made from impenetrable material – now I want to see a pic of a pint with lock in tact and a spoon out of the open cut end
Lauralli says
I can’t get past the part where you need a college degree to drive the Weinermobile! No wonder college students today feel like they must go on to graduate school!
Lisa MTB says
It looks like they are looking for someone who’d be both a driver and a PR/spokesperson, so that’s probably why they want someone who has a communications/journalism degree.
Melissa in Oz says
I was thinking the same thing!!!!! That’s nuts – even if you’re representing the company and being a PR/spokesperson you surely wouldn’t need a degree!!!
Vy says
I make or provide an extra cupcake for the birthday person, so they can still blow out a candle without spraying down the cake with germs! This study has given me validation 🙂
Linda says
On a totally unrelated subject, where did you get the Jacket- type halter walker that you take Lucy for walks with? Our Chiweenie (Yancy) needs something like that because he is terrified of the regular halters. He was a rescue and he has a real thing about them. Thanks
Mavis Butterfield says
Amazon. Here is the link. I can’t say enough good things about the harness. Totally worth every penny. And we all know I don’t like spending my pennies. 😉
Tracy says
Lucy may be the cutest thing in the world. She’s crammed on to the one remaining cushion, staking her claim, and looking none too happy that the rest are missing. Not to mention the Evil Vaccuum has probably been running furiously. Poor girl! Poor (well loved!) girl.
Tina W says
I remember those type of pickles from an Alton Brown special where he did a road trip on a motorcycle. Apparently it’s a thing in the south, they take a jar of pickles, drain the juice and replace it with KoolAid.
Called them Koolickles.
It made me gag then. Makes me gag now.