The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever noteworthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the inter-web or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day.
So, without further ado, here’s this weeks edition of Random Goodness from Around the Web:
Gives New Meaning to Special Delivery
What would the world be like if everyone loved doing their job as much as this mailman from Texas who was caught dancing on the job? Give it a watch. It’s sure to bring a smile to your face. And can we all admit he kills those high kicks! Ha!
What do you do when someone calls the cops about some high school students blocking a main street in Bangor, Maine for a prom photo? Well if you’re officers with the Bangor Maine Police Department, you join in on the fun instead of writing them tickets! Accessorizing with gun belts and bullet-proof vests instead of heels and corsages, two officers who took the call decided to revisit their prom photos and latched onto the group pic. After offering a bit of advise (keep your hands to yourself, leave other people’s things alone, and be kind to one another), they went on their merry way and the students went on to dance the night away. So fun!
Where in the World is Your Doppelganger?
There’s a YouTube channel called Twin Strangers that claims everyone has seven twin strangers in the world. What do you think? Are there really at least seven other people on Earth that look almost exactly like you? I’ve had people come up to me through the years thinking I looked exactly like someone else they knew. I’m sure the same has happened to you. But this video shows matches so similar it’s almost scary! Long lost sisters, maybe? Do you have a doppelganger? Ever met them?
Maybe Don’t Stop and Smell These Roses
Did you know wooden roses were a thing? The roses pictures above are made of wood. I’m blown away. They look amazingly realistic! I guess people sell wooden flowers of all sorts and in the Netherlands or to Belgium, souvenir stands will sell you wooden tulips because they’re a whole lot easier to get through customs (and last a lot longer) than the real deal. Who knew?
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
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Deborah says
This week-end, I’ll be doing laundry, cleaning house and working on my Moms flower garden. It’s pretty small. I have to get the bird bath and put it in as well as the Angel. It is in honor of my Mother and my dear MIL. Both have gone to heaven. I also am sewing some reusable menstrual pads (just because), and more bowl cozies. I love making both. And cooking, cooking, cooking. LOL I want to make homemade bread.
Suzanne says
In reference to the twin strangers, I was eating at a fast food place near my sister’s house several months ago and this girl came in that looked exactly like my sister. The only reason I knew it wasn’t my sister was that this girl was about 8 months pregnant and my sister is not. But I seriously could not stop staring at her the whole ten minutes she was there. They really could be identical twins. It was kind of weird to be so unsure whether or not somebody was your own sister who you see all the time.
Katy says
I caught my garbage man dancing last week. The Roger Rabbit! Totally made my day 🙂
Cathy says
How I live Bangor police dept. Facebook page.
Mel says
I used wooden sola flowers for our wedding! Cheaper, eco-friendly, and very realistic-looking (I used normal-colored ones–not the lovely rainbow in that photo). It also allowed me to make bouquets, boutonnieres, hair pins, and centerpieces months in advance, and my bouquet was pretty much automatically preserved.
Amy says
I ran into my doppelgänger in a different province. She had the same hair, glasses, posture, exact colour and style of jacket and her mother could have been mistaken for mine. It was incredibly weird but cool at the same time. We just said “hi” and carried on walking in opposite directions. And no, I wasn’t walking next to a mirror, ha ha!
Mary Neathway says
If you aren’t following the Bangor Police Dept face book page, I highly recommend it. TC is entertaining and witty and none of his posts are CSI ish….
Tracey says
have you seen The Double Life of Veronique”?
Emily says
I love my wooden tulips from Amsterdam. My husband talked me into buying them and we’re still enjoying them 3 years later.
Sherry in Sumner says
Hi Mavis. Just letting you know that we miss you back here in Washington. Miss your references to things and places I’m familiar with. Am glad you’re enjoying your new location and I’m enjoying seeing the progress on your gardens. Also, I really look forward to seeing Lucy’s picture at the end of your posts.
Debra Beeuwsaert says
Just back from a vacay and catching up. I guess I had a twin sometime back when I lived downstate Michigan. I worked for Michigan State University, and my friend and her brother were shopping at the mall. In the shoe department at one store, they kept yelling my name, so instead they went up to this “twin”, tapped her on the back and said, “why didn’t you respond to us, are you being bitchy”. The shoes salesperson turned around, and they discovered it wasn’t me, so they apologized profusely explaining they thought it was someone else they knew.