I think the HH is a little upset with me. He had mentioned some sort of nonsense about wanting a REAL Christmas tree this year. So when he came home the other night and The Girl had already started to decorate the super snazzy FREE tree I scored from Leopard Girl last year (or was it the year before?) he looked a little deflated.
“Hey… I was planning on buying a real tree this year…” He said.
“Why on earth would you pay $50 for a cut tree only to throw it away 30 days later? What a waste of money. We already HAVE a tree! Plus it was free.” I replied.
Grumble. Grumble.
Hmm. Something tells me this may turn into Treegate 2011.
Did I tell you Monkey Boy is taking photography this semester? I inserted the memory card into my computer this morning and 72 pictures of a red apple popped up on my screen. I’ll spare you the rest of the 71 almost identical pictures. You can thank me later.
My Fed Ex guy is a creeper. I refuse to open the door and I totally ignore him when the door bell rings. UPS guy however is a total hottie.
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erika says
$50!? I spent $15 on mine from fred meyer.