I spy with my little eye, the HH picking berries. Wait. What?? How can this be?
Apparently the man is willing to pick for his dinner dessert. Remember that strawberry shortcake I made? Well a the HH has been pining for one for months and last night he finally hit the jackpot because we’ve got strawberries coming out of our ears these days.
And look at this. He even helped me pick peas! Holy cats. What’s got into the guy? The only time he ever steps foot into the garden is when he walks past it on the way to mow the grass.
Maybe he’s a gentleman farmer at heart but just doesn’t know it yet. 😉
Have you checked on your tomatoes lately? How are they doing? All of ours are still green, but they are getting bigger each day and pretty soon here we are going to be in tomato heaven with our 20 or so tomato plants.
I don’t know about you, but I am counting down the days until I can scarf down bowls of fresh homemade salsa morning, noon and night.
And the flowers. They are in bloom everywhere.
Yesterday The Girl and I picked Shasta daisies, pink foxglove and blue hydrangea flowers.
What are YOU harvesting from your garden this week?
Mavis wants to know.
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Michelle says
Slowly but surely my hubby made his way out to the garden, too…now he actually ENJOYS spending time in the garden, watering, tending, planting new things. I think a garden is irresistible.
Carolyn says
Your posts always make me smile. 🙂 Curious if you can winter your strawberries in the pallets? I’m in West Michigan and right now only the mice get any of the strawberry harvest. Definitely need to move up closer to the house and would like to entertain the idea of the pallet garden (I actually have a stack of pallets ready to go!) but I don’t want to pull out strawberry plants every winter to store them in a winter-safe area.
mary m says
The dog ate all of the strawberries and the big dork ate my first sungold tomatoes too! Darn him. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to get a couple of little tomatoes this weekend 🙂
Alicia says
Have you had the daisies forever or did you get them recently from somewhere you can share? They are my favorite flower and I still need to plant some in my yard. Yours are GORGEOUS!!! 🙂
Jamie says
I planted strawberry runners from my friend last year in two 9×3 boxes. We are now at 30lbs harvested! It has been especially nice since I had major surgery last week and I can still have my kids pick fresh berries everyday 🙂
Cecily says
Only green tomatoes here too but the plants are loaded. Picked three zucchinis this week, garlic, the rest of the peas and of course lots of kale. The raspberries are trickling in and the cherries are just about ready. I noticed a few small pickling cucumbers on my plants so it looks like pickling season is right around the corner!
Tholl says
Maybe he feels more “welcome” to pick this year because you aren’t weighing everything for a tally; and before he was afraid to get in the way, or do something wrong? We’ve been able to harvest a few jalapenos so far…small steps for beginners here!
Leah says
Radishes and Spinach so far. We pickled the Radishes to get a few more weeks out of them 🙂
Siobhan says
I’m pretty sure your husband is preparing for his move to Colonial Williamsburg. Tricorn hat is coming next!
Nancy says
I have picked rosemary. oregano, thyme, garlic, green oinons, broccoli, snow peas and strawberries.
Had our first veggie stir fry of the summer. It was wonderful.
Sam Burton says
Role reversal here. Yesterday, my wife came out to help in the garden. I was expecting the sky to fall. She loves to mow the pastures but hates,hates,hates to work in the garden.
We have been harvesting squash, cucumbers and tomatillos for a while now. Got our first cherry tomatoes yesterday. Early girls are nearly ready. Peppers look good. Eggplants are borderline.
Nancy K says
My little monkey and I brought in about 4 cups of marionberries yesterday and a good handful of blueberries off of our dwarf bushes. Strawberries look like they’re about ready for another round of harvesting too. Tomatillos are fruiting -so excited! Looks like it’ll be another good salsa verde year!
Lisa says
I love all the comments you made about your husband out in the garden – you are so funny! Does your husband think you are hilarious?! As far as scarfing down homemade salsa – I’m in!!
Lauren says
You know what they say about the reward for men doing house work maybe he is figuring it would work the same in the garden, if the know what I mean