Gee… What an interesting idea…
Growing food…
If you’re new around here you may not know we actually GROW food in our backyard come summer time… In fact 2 summers ago I grew over 1,300lbs of garden produce… Yep… How crazy is that?
True… I did end up tying bags of zucchini to my neighbors front doors in the dark of night and had to come up with more than a few clever ways to unload the extra poundage… but we actually ate/canned/froze most of it…
So when I looked out the window the other day and noticed our 17 poor and neglected raised garden boxes in the backyard… I got to thinking…
Mavis… get a move on…
Now is the time to start planning the summer garden!
In years past I’ve drawn out detailed plot maps…
and canning charts…
But this year… I think I’ll wing it.
Mostly because I’ll be growing from left over, cheap and/or free seeds
I was able to pick up from Rite Aid.
I must admit… I’m a bit of a seed snob… well at least I was a seed snob before this whole $100 a month challenge started… I totally forgot to factor my garden seeds into the equation…
So… what I’m trying to say is…my expectations are not real high…
(although I’d love to be wrong)
I’ve decided to set my produce goal this year for 500lbs.
I think…
However… there are 2 kinds of seeds my Rite Aid doesn’t stock…
Heirloom Tomatoes
(which I found on Amazon… and paid for with Swagbucks by the way… they should be arriving any day now)…
This year I’ll be growing:
Sun Gold, Red Cherry, Black Krim, Purple Cherokee, Italian Costolto,and Persimmon.
Also Rite Aid does not carry
My boyfriend Ed Hume’s Sugar Snap Peas…
And I must have Ed’s Sugar Snap Pea Seeds…
…Simply nothing else will do.
But how am I going to acquire the seeds?
Ahhh yes… I suppose I could write my dearest Ed a letter…
But what would I say?
I don’t think I’m crafty enough to write a convincing letter to an eighty year old man asking if he’d like to barter 4 packets of peas … What would I offer him in exchange? Panty liners?
I guess I could wait until they go on sale for 1/2 off at Fred Meyer’s and somehow work them into my tiny grocery budget… or perhaps maybe trick my neighbor into buying them and then trade her for some more Barbie toothpaste… or WAIT.A .SECOND!!!!! I think QFC sells Ed Hume Seeds… Hey… I could use one of those $5 gift cards The Handsome Husband won at Christmas…
Sweet mother of garden goodness Mavis…
You should type and talk to yourself at the same time more often…
Problem solved!
Gardening with Ed Hume: Northwest Gardening Made Easy
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