Today we continued work on the raised garden beds. I now have 13 and am officially addicted! Somebody stop me. I still think I could squeeze one more in…..maybe tomorrow. Monkey boy and I came across the cheesy 3×3 plastic greenhouse thingy {pretty sure that’s the technical term} you see in the pic above.
It zips up like a tent and has an open bottom. I know it looks tacky but it does get warm in there. Today the outside temp was about 65 and in the little plastic greenhouse the temperature climbed to 81 degrees. So I decided to live on the wild side and place all but 8 of my heirloom tomato plants in there overnight with it zipped up. Hopefully they will all be alive in the morning. As for the other 8, I divided them up between 2 raised beds and covered them with a row cover. I have never tried one of those either so I hope it works.
If not you’ll find me at the farmers market buying 70 heirloom tomato plants. Must have real tomatoes, not tasteless under-ripe crappy tomatoes shipped thousands of miles from who knows where, sprayed with chemicals, picked by people who get paid crappy wages.
Also, I transplanted the last of the pea plants. The first batch I transplanted are doing surprising well. Nothing has keeled over yet so I’d say that’s a victory.
Flower House FHPH130 PlantHouse 3 Pop-Up Plant House
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