I thought I would give you a quick update on what’s happening in our square foot garden.
The sugar snap peas are up! These pea plants will only get about 2 feet tall so they are perfect for a square foot garden. I planted peas in 6 squares {maybe a few more} and so far the slugs have stayed away. If you have never tried growing fall peas before, GET THEM IN THE GROUND NOW. 😉
Our first square foot garden zucchini is starting to form. We picked a few zucchinis from the plants growing along the fence, but this will be the first one from the square foot garden. I wonder how many we’ll get.
Our third square foot garden tomato. I think this is a Japanese Black Trifele. It should be ready to pick in a few more days.
The kale tree.
I wonder how tall it will get. I keep plucking leaves off the bottom and feeding them to the chickens. 😉
The strawberries are making a comeback. I think I’ll have The Girl pick a basket of them and make some strawberry shortcake for dessert tonight.
And check it out. More green beans. I think these are the French filet ones. Have you tried these ones yet? They are best picked when small and a great sauteed in a little olive oil and butter.
Did you plant a square foot garden this year? how is it coming along? Any surprises?
~Mavis wants to know.
Read more about my adventures in Square Foot Gardening. Are you thinking about putting together a Square foot garden? See the how I built a square foot garden grid HERE.
For more information, check out All New Square Foot Gardening. It is an Amazon bestseller and the author, Mel Bartholomew is basically the king of square foot gardening.
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Debbie says
Lavender – English Lavender is the best.
Jami says
I started my very first square foot garden the first week of August. I have a very small back yard so it is just a 4×4′. I am excited to see what happens. I planted radishes (red and icicle) green beans, wax beans, little finger carrots, and three different lettuces. Everything seems to be coming along swimmingly. I am nervous though, because I live in Las Vegas. It is still pretty hot here. I can’t wait to see what happens when it begins to cool down a bit.
bev says
I have large Labradors…anything ground level is in peril. So I planted my square foot garden in cattle water and feed troughs. I’ve harvested beets, beans, lettuce, radishes, chard. I have new squash coming and more green beans. Tomatoes I wrapped in wire cages which kept them safe 🙂
Kelly says
I live in Denver and have plans to plant my fall crops(peas, radishes, bets, carrots, lettuce, spinach) this week, but I have a huge infestation of grubs/Japanese beetles in the bed where all the cruciferous veggies were, and now I am trying to figure out where I can plant everything since I want to try to kill those disgusting pests in that bed. I learned that the cruciferous veggies attract them so I won’t be planting any of those again, plus only the broccoli produced anyway, no cauliflower or brussel sprouts. I have tried a pesticide that my local garden center recommended but after 3 applications they are still laying eggs and popping up everywhere. I picked out by hand what felt like several hundred, but when I turned the soil again, there are still hundreds. GROSS! Anyone know how to get rid of them?
cristy says
Have you tried adding DE to the soil Kelly? I hear it should work for garden pests like that.