I always like to start the New Year off with a well stocked pantry. But before I can do that, I needed to clean out the cupboards and organize our pantry space to make room for what we need.
Cream of tartar… expiration date 8/10. Ya. It might be time to let that one go.
Red wine vinegar. How long does that stuff last anyway? Is it like wine? Will it go bad if you open it and don’t use it quickly? Anyone know?
I was shocked to find out I don’t need ANY spices.
I’ve been wanting to stop by Winco to stock up on bulk foods and oatmeal but didn’t want to go during the holidays and now my excuse is it’s the first of the month. Have you ever been to Winco during the first few days of the month? It’s a madhouse. So I’ll have to put it off for a few more days.
I’m running out of things to feed the HH though, he’s been sick {stuffy head, fever, horrible sore throat} and all I can think to feed him is smoothies, oatmeal and chicken soup. Do you have any good ideas?
This morning I popped Shalane Flanagan’s recipe for Superhero muffins into the oven. They were freakin’ delicious. Seriously. We are 3 for 3 on her recipes so far. I’ll share my version of her recipe tomorrow. Trust me, you’re going to want to make them.
In addition to cleaning out the fridge, pantry and baking muffins this morning I also went out to the garage to see how many squash were out there. Turns out we still have 8 squash to use over the next few months. The onions I pulled earlier in the summer have stored well out in the garage on a shelf. Winters are pretty mild around here so it’s nice to be able keep a few things out there without them going bad.
And last but not least, the garage freezer! Before I can sell it we need to eat all this delicious food up. It’s a good thing I cleaned it out because I had no idea we still had so many strawberries in there.
2017. It’s going to be AWESOME. Just you wait and see.
P.S. When was the last time you clean out your pantry and freezer?
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Kathie S. says
I did the pantry before Thanksgiving and set up a spreadsheet on the computer for it. This way (if I remember) I can mark off what needs to be restocked and check what we have before it shop. I also did the freezer before Thanksgiving too. I had to make room for the extra turkey’s I buy during the season.
Melissa says
I always try to do this, but then I forget to mark things off or my husband goes in and doesn’t mark things off. 🙂
Mel says
Is that a bottle of lemon juice? If so, hot lemonade (meaning microwaved, not spiced) is my favorite sore throat remedy. It’s like hot tea with lemon, but all lemon.
AlysonRR says
OR honey lemon “plus”. Hot water with lemon juice and honey and a little liquor (whiskey, rum, bourbon).
Leanna Thompson says
I should have done this before shopping for Christmas dinner. Found caraway seeds after I’d already purchased new.
Laurel says
I make a tea by boiling some ginger root, then add lemon and honey. Feels good on a sore throat.
Mavis Butterfield says
I have all three of those ingredients on hand! Thanks Laurel.
Jeanmarie says
So, last year I culled spices and three them into the compost pile–I mean they come from plants right? Bad move, as the volatile oils that make them spices also kill bacteria. So great smelling but dead layer of compost. But aha! moment. I noticed the spicy compost seemed to repel those really tiny snails we have on Olympic peninsula. This year I will make spicy mulch to see if I can get even one cabbage to grow past the slug buffet stage.
Sarah siskin says
Red wine vinegar lasts forever
AlysonRR says
I agree (microbiologist here). Cream of tartar is probably fine, too. Volatiles like chili or herbals like dill, thyme, etc., should be replaced frequently, but acids and bases like vinegar, cream of tartar, baking soda, should be fine.
Diana says
Truly helpful information, Alyson. Thanks for sharing. I had a feeling it was okay to keep cream of tartar for years, but didn’t know why, and didn’t know about the difference between volatiles, acids and bases.
Chris M says
Homemade soup from a squash would be good! I also like a Chicken Tortilla soup because the chili spice is so warming and healing.
Michelle says
I clean out my freezer or pantry when I can no longer tell what we have, which usually ends up being a few times a year. What I want to know is how to overcome the urge to clean out my MIL pantry and spices when we go and visit. Condiments in the fridge that expired years ago and spice containers that you now see for sale in antique stores. Sometime I just can’t resist throwing a few things out and telling her that I an saving her life. 🙂
Linda says
Best way to overcome that urge? Think about how you would feel in the future if your son’s wife came into your home and started cleaning out your stuff without being asked. The relationship will expire much faster than the spices did.
Sue R. says
Thanks for the reminder about avoiding WinCo right now! I’ve been there at the first of the month and because we are self-employed I couldn’t figure out why it was so crowded until the cashier explained 🙂
Pam says
I just cleaned my pantry about a month ago. I try to do it once or twice a year. I also attacked both bathroom cupboards ( what a mess!). Next will be my pan cupboard. I am hanging a pot rack and then moving stuff around to better organize the kichen. I love it when everything is organized!
Tracy says
Quick tip from me to share with the Mavis diehards: I have a typical fridge/freezer in my kitchen and a separate full size freestanding freezer. I made vats of soups, lasagnes in single serve portions, short ribs in red wine, etc. which I store in said freezers, not to mention lots of proteins I freeze carefully using the genius Food Saver vacuum storage bags. while it’s not too hard to see what’s in the kitchen fridge/freezer, the freestanding freezer is huge and sometimes things can get buried. So…I made a simple list, longhand on legal paper with each item: “7 portions, beef short ribs in red wine”, “4 full racks baby back park rubs”, etc. listed, one entry per line. I clamped the list onto a lightweight clipboard with a pen tucked into the clamp and using a magnetized hook, I stuck it onto the outside door of the freezer. Now, whenever I want to fetch something I can see everything I have at a quick glance, and when I remove something, I just cross out the number and write in the new number in front of the item, or, if I’ve used it all, I just cross it out neatly. When I buy or prepare someth No new, I just add it to the bottom of the list. Works a treat.
Tricia says
I cleaned the pantry, sold our garage refrigerator that was broken (the buyer knew it), my Dad bought us a deep freezer and I keep it in the kitchen due to the hard summers here in NC. I have purged the master bedroom closet and bathroom. I attacked the linen closet today. Put away the Christmas decorations and got rid of a few items. I helped son #4 pack for college and will help son #3 pack later this week. When son #3 returned home we went through all of his clothes and his closet. I agree with Mavis– starting the year off right!
erin in ia says
Mavis I have my whole house on a cleaning app called clean house and I love it. I always feel like “oh I just did that a few days ago” until my app reminds me it’s been x amount of days. It also keeps things spread out on the calender that I only have a few things each day. My pantry (includes spices) are looked through once a month to make sure I use everything. As for the freezer, ditched it 5 years ago. I once ordered zaycon chicken and beef within 1 month of each other and my side by side held that and other stuff just fine.
Denise says
Ideas for Hubby’s sore throat.
Applesauce, homemade popsicle’s using juice. Warm lemonaide and tea. Pudding, jello, cottage cheese anything soft. Gargling with warm salt water.
Rubbing his throat with camphor or Vicks; eases sore throat and vapor relieves congestion.
Susan says
I have that cookbook, it’s awesome! I’m not sure what else you have made but the granola is addicting as are the energy bites. My family also loves the bison burgers.
Texas Deborah says
For the sick HH, how about some potato soup? I make mine with chicken broth or chicken bouillon. I also use plain coffee creamer instead of milk. I have used vegetable bouillon, too. Hot (with fire) lemon aide sweetened with honey is good for a sore throat, and peppermint tea sweetened with honey. Plus gargling with warm salty water. I hope he gets well soon!
As for pantry cleaning? . . . . I am planning on doing that this year. And organizing it. Right now, we have more food that room to store it. Grrr. Hubby does most of the shopping. Gotta love his spirit though.
Rosaleen says
Hi, Mavis,
Turmeric, ginger, and garlic address all immune boosters, and/or inflammation fighters. You are already on to extra Vitamin C. Green tea with ginger and or lemon may help. I find I can handle a heavier dose of turmeric by adding a little sweetener. Try it in tea, warm, diluted, sweetened milk, soup, curries, etc.
Good Luck and Happy New Year to All!
Laura says
In my experience commercial vinegars last forever. Organic vinegars sometimes go off (seems to depend on how much sediment there is) and infused vinegars have a very short life span.
I’m embarking on a pantry challenge this month and during the process plan to prepare an inventory list to keep better track of my pantry and freezer. I’m always astonished how easy it is to forget how long you’ve had something…
For sick HH, we find hot water, lemon juice and a shot of bourbon or whiskey to be really soothing, also tea. I like rice pudding when I am sick, and buttery toast. Hope he feels better soon!
AFS says
In 2012 I ate everything in my freezer and pantry. Now 3 years later they are bulging at the seams again today I inventoried the pantry tomorrow the freezers and I will buy no new food (except what I need to prepare what I already have) until the cupboards are bare.
Jane says
Toss the red wine vinegar, as it turns similarly to wine!
kim says
Vinegar last forever, cream of tartar is the catalyst that is added to baking soda to make baking powder. I had my Sissie clean out my fridge and freezer over Christmas break. She also organized the spice cupboard. Yippee!
Tullia says
Ciao. L’aceto di vino è sempre buono! Potrebbe forse nel tempo essere meno forte.
Connie says
Please post what you get at Winco. I recently found out there is one where my daughter lives and I hope to go sometime when we are visiting them. With only 2 of us to feed, it is easy to go overboard, but all that bulk food is just so awesome ! I buy bulk spices at Natural Foods and they are much cheaper.
I purged my house last year, but am still finding things I no longer need/want. Never ending, I suppose, but I am doing it while I am still able.
I am now looking forward to 2018 and your whole new wardrobe.
Happy New Year !
Linda says
Give your HH some good old fashioned unsweetened grapefruit juice and his sore throat will be gone in a jiffy. It’s amazing how quickly it works, but it has to be unsweetened.