Mavis and the food strainer make sauce….
I love wish lists. My MIL bought the B2B Food Strainer & Sauce Maker for me last Christmas. How did she know I wanted one? I made a wish list and she bought it. How easy is that?
You would think that when you plant 63 tomato plants you would have more than 10lbs of ripe tomatoes sitting around waiting to be made into sauce. But I live in Seattle, so that should explain everything. Next year if I want to follow any sort of canning recipe that calls for 30lbs ripe tomatoes I will have to plant like 200 plants. I’m not sure I have that in me. So for now, I’ll just have to make my sauce in the crock pot.
If you own one of these contraptions (ohhh that doesn’t sound good) you would probably notice that plastic white thing is not positioned properly. But this being my first go at it, I didn’t know (okay I actually didn’t the read manual…I just looked at the pictures). Do you see the big orange bowl? It’s suppose to collect all the tomato peels and cores.
Not until around this half way point did I realize that I must of put something together wrong (actually I forgot to put the white rubber washer thing in).
After 3 hours (yes 3 hours) I had a crock pot full of homemade sauce. Hmm. I think I’ll go ahead and read those directions now.
B2B Food Strainer & Sauce Maker
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