If you are running out of freezer space or just want an alternative to freezer corn, canning corn is a great way to put up all of that corn you grew this year {or stocked up on}.
20 lbs of corn in husk {will yield 9 pints}
Fill a pressure canner with 4 inches of water, place the rack in the bottom of the canner, and then place the canner on the stove and bring the water to a boil over low heat. Fill a medium sized pot with water and bring it to a boil.
Shuck your corn. Make sure to get off as much of the silk as possible. Next, cut the kernels from the cob–I don’t use a fancy tool, just a sharp knife. Don’t worry about the corn being in strips–it will break apart into separate kernels during the canning process.
Fill clean, dry, sterilized jars 1 inch from the top with corn. Cover the corn with boiling water within 1 inch of the top of the jar and remove any air bubbles.
Carefully place the jars in boiling water, on the bottom of the canner rack. The water level in the canner should be at 3 inches by now. If not, add more boiling water until you are at 3 inches.
Raise the temp to med- high and place the lid on the canner. Set a timer for 10 minutes to allow the steam to escape. DO NOT put the weight on the canner yet.
After 10 minutes of venting, tighten the side clamps.
Put the 10 pound weight in place and make sure any openings are now closed and allow the pressure to build to 11 pounds.
Once the pressure canner reaches 10 pounds, set your timer for 55 minutes {see chart below} or 85 minutes if you are processing quarts. You may need to adjust the heat {I did} to maintain 10 pounds of pressure.
Once the 55 minutes are up, turn off the heat. Walk away, go find something to do until the pressure in your canner drops to zero {my canner made a “ping” noise when it hit zero}. Do not attempt to open your canner until it is at zero. Big No No!
Once the pressure in the canner has dropped to zero, remove the clamps, and remove the lid. Carefully place the jars in a draft free area {I always place my hot jars on a towel}.
Check seals {they will be indented if you canned the beans properly} and after the jars have fully cooled down, wipe clean and store in a cool dark pantry {or cupboard} away from heat.
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