If you are a regular reader of this blog you’ve probably heard me talk about my troubles with my crappy British teeth.
In a nutshell, I was born without 4 of my adult teeth. {I have one bridge, 1 empty space {where a baby tooth was removed 5 years ago and 2 baby teeth that are ready to fall out any day now}.
My parents paid for orthodontic braces while I was in high school but soon after I got married at the ripe old age of 21, I stopped wearing my retainer. Because really, who wants to to be married and wearing a retainer to bed every night? It’s not exactly romantic.
As a result of not wearing my retainer, my teeth went back to being crooked.
Then, last year, I decided I didn’t want to walk around with my crappy, crooked teeth anymore and so I finally decided to do something about it. I set up a consultation with my kids orthodontist. But as the appointment date neared, I started freaking out about having adult braces. Sure, I could get clear braces, but I’d still be like 40 years old and wearing braces. For 2 -3 years! I just couldn’t do it.
So cancelled the appointment, called my dentist, took the easy way out and got invisalign. Neither adult braces or invisalign was covered by insurance and the invisalign was cheaper {and a little cooler in my opinion} so I went for it.
Yada, Yada, Yada, everything worked out great, and I am on my last set of invisalign retainers.
Which brings me to yesterday. I went to the oral surgeon to see about replacing my missing adult teeth. It was a 2 hour appointment. And at the end of it I only had two questions.
1. Will I get hassled going through airport security because I’ll have titanium in my mouth?
2. Does that really say I can’t drink tea for 7 days prior to surgery? Are you freakin’ kidding me?
Teeth or tea. This is going to be a hard decision.
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