I think Monkey Boy is on the fast track to getting a stocking full of coal this year.
This morning when I asked him if he had found Ernesto the Elf {like he’s suppose to do every morning until Christmas} he replied “I’m not going to look for a stupid Elf” {Oh the horror!}.
Shocked, I reminded Monkey Boy that Ernesto would be reporting his naughty behavior to Santa Claus this evening when he heads back to the North Pole to sleep.
But he was like “Mom, it’s an Elf. A creepy, creepy toy Elf.”
Maybe teenage boys are to old for presents after all.
To be continued…
P.S. If you would like to torture your teenagers too this holiday season, hop on over to Amazon* and grab your own Elf on the Shelf*.
*Direct link to an Amazon.com product
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