I’m not going to lie. Yesterday was hard. After eating only 980 calories the day before, I woke up HUNGRY. I have absolutely no idea how many calories I consume on an average day, but let me tell you Bob… it’s a lot more than 980. In fact, I’m not even sure if the milk and sugar plus the two sweets a day I normally shove in my face is less than 980 calories.
Anywho, I went to bed hungry, and I woke up hungry.
Breakfast – Multi Grain Cereal 160 calories
The cereal itself was fine. But I sorely missed the brown sugar and milk I would have poured onto it under normal circumstances. And life without a little sugar to get you going in the morning is actually a little depressing. On the positive side though, both the strawberry malt o meal {19 servings left} and strawberry oatmeal {10 servings left} have sugar in them. 🙂 So I’ll get my fix.
During the morning hours I drank 2 cups of hot tea and 3 bottles of water.
Lunch and Dinner Pasta Primavera {760 calories – 380 calories per serving}
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always liked pasta on the second day better. And yesterday, was no exception. I really, really like the pasta primavera dish Valley Foods offers and will no doubt be looking forward to the next pouch of it I get to eat later this month. It’s yummy, and something I highly recommend having in your emergency food storage.
Throughout the rest of the day I drank 5 bottles of water.
Total Calories Consumed on Day 2 – 920
Total Beverages Consumed on Day – 2 cups of tea 8 bottles of water {I’m using this to drink out of}.
The hardest part about day 2?
I found a cough drop in my husbands nightstand and SOOOOO wanted to eat it. I swear to you it was talking to me. The cough drop wanted to jump in my mouth. I even brought it to my nose and gave it a good sniff. But I didn’t eat it.
And then I started reading everyone’s comments about supplementing the Value kit with beans and rice. You know, the way it was meant to be eaten in the first place.
I really struggled with the fact that if this were a real life scenario, and I had forgotten the beans and rice in my food storage kit, it would have been TOO BAD FOR ME. I really wanted to stick to the whole I meant what I said part of the deal. Because in real life, I am an incredibly stubborn person and rarely go back on my word.
But then I realized, I wouldn’t have forgotten the beans and rice because 1. I already have them in my {real life} emergency food supply kit and 2. I’m not that dumb. I was just excited about the fact I could recognize all the ingredients on the food storage products that I ran to my computer and wrote and post about it before taking two minutes to think about it.
So I’m going to add 28 servings each of beans and rice to my food supply box {1 for each day}. BUT NOTHING ELSE. No spices, no fresh vegetables, no CANDY… nothing else.
28 Days to go. I can do this!
More Posts-
Living off a 30 Day Supply of Dehydrated Food
Living off a 30 Day Emergency Supply of Food – Day 1
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