Welcome New Day Northwest Viewers! I’m Mavis, and I’m so glad you’re here. By now you know that I’m pretty passionate about eliminating food waste in this country {you can check out more about that HERE}, but I’m passionate about all sorts of others things too. Sometimes my friends even refer to me as a Jill of All Trades.
I raise a wild bunch of chickens and an even wilder puggle dog named Lucy. I’ve also been known to reclaim food destined for the dumpster, fill my passport with stamps in the most frugal ways, and bake a mean blackberry cobbler. I also dabble in gardening, and by dabble I mean grow 2,000 pounds of food in my backyard from time to time!
Take a look at some of the cool stuff you’ll find on my site:
Growing food is the coolest hobby on the planet. Want to know the best part? It’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it! Yep, even you! Keep following and I’ll share all my tips and tricks, and you’ll have a green thumb before you know it!
This food was destined for the trash. Can you believe it?
Did you know you can feed a family of four on $100/month? Trust me, it’s not an urban legend, it’s actually true. And while I’m not perfect at sticking to my budget, I’ll show you how you can reduce yours using some really easy methods.
Bartering with my friends and neighbors is a blast. I never know what I’m going to come home with. And that’s what makes it so fun. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure after all!
I know, I know, only weirdos and farmers have chickens right? Wrong. Cool people have them too. Plus, they’re cheaper than cable and they give you eggs, and if they misbehave, well…
One of the easiest ways to save money is to do it yourself. I show you how by making everything from laundry soap to windshield washer fluid. You’ll start to wonder why you never tried it sooner!
I’m not a foodie. I just happen to photograph everything I make. Then I post pimped up pictures of my creations on my blog so I can tell my husband I didn’t have time to clean the house. If you have some leftover chicken taking up space in your fridge right now, you should totally try this Cast Iron Skillet Chicken Pot Pie. It is divine.
Well, that’s about it. Take your time and look around.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m so glad you’re here!
♥ Mavis
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