Wowie Zowie it was a great week in the free food department! Lot’s of peaches, apricots and pears for our spoiled chickens and oodles of bananas for us. I’m not sure what to make of all the bananas we’ve been getting in the produce boxes lately, but we’ll take them, that’s for sure.
Do you think people purchase fewer bananas in the summer because there is a better selection of fruit to choose from? Do spotted bananas just not sell? Even if marked down? Inquiring minds want to know.
Poor little broccoli head. He was tossed because one of his florets got smashed. 🙁 But you know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
This white nectarine was deemed unfit for sale because it had a small nick near it’s stem.
And these banana chips? Who knows why they were tossed, but I’ll take them!
Here is all the food we were able to reclaim from the boxes of “scrap produce” we picked up this week from Mr. Produce Guy. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been collecting these scrap boxes for over almost a year and a half now and without fail, each week we are able to not only pull fruits and veggies for our family to eat, but plenty more for our flock of backyard chickens.
Free, nutritious food is out there, you just have to look {and ask} for it. Pretty stinkin’ cool if you ask me.
Peace Out Girl Scouts, have a great day.
Amazon has the Hultzer Banana Slicer back in stock! Please, I’m begging you, go read the reviews on the Banana Slicer. It will make your day! 🙂
Would you like to see what else we have brought home over the past year?
Head on over HERE to read all the past stories and to see all the pictures.
If you have just stumbled upon this series and are wondering how I got all this food for free, you’ll want to read this story first.
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