I was working in the garden the other day planting more seeds for my fall and winter crops when I had the idea for this giveaway. Maybe it will motivate some of you to get out there and try planting a fall garden this year.
This garden giveaway not only includes some of my favorite things, but it has a retail value of over $150!
This giveaway includes:
- Reclaiming Our Food by Tanya Denckla Cobb
- Backyard Winter Gardening By Caleb Warnock
- Ask Cisco by Cisco Morris {what a hunk!}
- Womanswork Garden Gloves with Arm Saver
- Womanswork Peppermint Muscle Rub
If you have never tried on a pair of Womanswear garden gloves before, they are awesome. I especially like how the elbow length cuff has a stretchy pull cord at the end for cinching the cuff around your arm or shirt sleeves. It comes in handy when your pulling weeds or moving plants with creepy crawly bugs all over. Plus the palm is made of a durable synthetic leather and are making them easy to work with.
- Danvers 126 Seeds
- Early Wonder Beets Seeds
- Bok Toy Choy Seeds by Botanical Interests
All you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave a comment below and let me know what your favorite thing about gardening is.
Just answer that one question and you’re entered to win. Life’s pretty complicated sometimes, so I like to keep things simple around here.
1 entry per person/ip address. If you cheat, you will totally be disqualified.
This giveaway ends Sunday, September 15th, 2013 @9 pm PST and the winners will be announced in the Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 edition of Mornings with Mavis. You will be notified via email and have 48 hours to claim your prize. If you do not claim your prize within 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited.
Good Luck! I hope you win!
♥ Mavis
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