Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day in Western Washington!! I spent 3 hours… THREE HOURS outside in the garden. All by myself. No dog, no kids, just me and my garden. It was awesome.
Check out my rhubarb plants! I planted the two larger ones last spring as crowns {see how to plant rhubarb} and the three plants towards the back of the garden bed were transplanted from another area in the garden last fall.
I wasn’t sure if the transplanted rhubarb was going to make it, but they did. Now I’ll just have to figure out what on earth I’m going to do with all the rhubarb this summer.
And the poppies are back as well. Three years ago I scattered Flanders, Lauren’s Grape and Oriental poppy seeds and every year since then they come back in full force. When I planted the poppy seeds though I thought the seed pods that drop every year would produce more poppy plants, but so far, no such luck. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, or if poppies are just incredibly difficult to start from seed and I got lucky the first year.
And then she killed the perennial artichokes. Last fall I also transplanted my artichokes. I thought for sure they would make it but so far there is no sign of life {green} anywhere near where I transplanted them. Which totally stinks of course because I didn’t plant any artichokes from seed this year {and why would I? I had 20+ plants growing in the ground. Or so I thought}.
It’s amazing how much work you can get done in the garden when the kids and pets stay inside the house.
Poor Princess Lucy.
Maybe I’ll let her help me in the garden today. 😉
Do you have rhubarb or artichokes in your garden? Any sign of life yet?
Mavis wants to know.
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