The Seattle Tilth is such a cool organization. They have been providing hands-on education in organic agriculture for 37 years. They believe that all people deserve access to healthy, nutritious food and that changing the way in which we grow, cook and eat food has the potential to transform people’s lives as well as the communities in which we live. Check out what classes and events they have coming up:
Compost, Forage & Pickle: Embrace Fall with a Seattle Tilth Class
Fall is a good time to protect your garden for winter. It’s also a great time to gather leaves and materials to create your own compost. Seattle Tilth educators will show you how to take advantage of the season in your garden. Or join us to learn how to make pickles or forage for edible weeds! Parents and teachers, join us for children’s garden education.
Most classes are offered at either the Good Shepherd Center (GSC), 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, or Bradner Gardens Park (BGP), 1730 Bradner Pl S.
Veggie Gardening
Put Your Garden to Bed Sat., Oct. 10; 10 a.m.-2 p.m., GSC
Put Your Garden to Bed Sat., Oct. 24; 10 a.m.-2 p.m., BGP
Composting 101 Sat., Oct. 24; 2-4 p.m., BGP
Composting 101 Sat., Nov. 7; 10 a.m.-noon, GSC
Permaculture & Sustainable Landscapes
The Soil Food Web: Field Study Sat., Oct. 10; 2-5 p.m., GSC
Urban Weeds & Wild Foods Part 1: Identify and Harvest Sat., Oct. 17; 10 a.m.-noon, GSC
Kitchen Classes
Basic Canning 101 Thu., Oct. 15; 6:30-8:30 p.m., GSC
Intro to Fermentation Thu., Oct. 22; 6:30-8:30 p.m., BGP
Urban Weeds & Wild Foods Part 2: Preparing For Your Table Sat., Oct. 17; 2-4 p.m., GSC
Opportunities for Kids
Good Shepherd Center Children’s GardenMobile Garden Classrooms
At a location of your choice!
Check out their calendar of classes or see the full list. They’ll be adding classes throughout the year, so check back often for new listings!
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