I bought a new car. I know, I know, the more thrifty thing to do would have been to buy a used car, but I didn’t. I’m not into fancy clothes, spending boatloads on groceries, and I like to shop thrift stores and garage sales. So for me, buying a new car is obviously one heck of a splurge.
Back in 2000 I bought a new Volvo wagon, which I loved. I drove it for 9 years straight until the HH decided to sell it one day because he thought it was on the verge of dying {which it wasn’t}. I was so ticked off. I was even more ticked off when THE VERY NEXT DAY I spotted the man who bought my car, wearing Teva sandals with black socks and smoking in it. In fact, he is still driving my old {perfectly running} car around town.
Anyway, to make a long story short, it was time to get a new car. So I bought the same car. And this time, I took advantage of the overseas delivery program.
Did you know that when you buy a new Volvo they give you the option of picking it up in Sweden? Yep. They sure do. Buy a Volvo and get 2 free plane tickets to Europe, 15 days car insurance, 1 night hotel accommodations, a free factory tour and a Swedish meatball lunch. Plus, they ship the car back to the US for you at no additional cost. How crazy is that?
So here we go. We are off on another crazy adventure!
~ Mavis
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