This week’s $20/$20 Challenge submission is close to my heart, because Julie shows us her pantry after a big Costco run. Of course I’m familiar with Costco runs! Here’s her story:
Mavis! Your blog is so inspiring. I have followed a somewhat similar trajectory and reading your blog has assisted me more quickly. I wanted to save on our grocery budget with coupons however noticed concerns about the health of myself and my husband. I started reading more about plant based and whole foods diet and watched the Forks Over Knives documentary.
I took these pictures after our once every 4 month Costco run so it is exceptionally full {also having a dinner party tomorrow night and going to the parents tonight- think I’ll make lettuce wrapped cheese with pesto}…but I digress! Thanks for all you do and giving back to those in need- very inspiring.
My plan is to get more into gardening so I know where my food comes from; not to mention being fresh, tasty and cheap!
We live in San Jose, California where real estate is EXPENSIVE and kitchens are small- ours is decent which is good because we cook at home 95% of the time.
You can see the mix between processed and unprocessed, with the goal of unprocessed to take over!
We also have a deep freezer where I am starting to build up our go to items like soups, baked breads, fritatas. I buy big bags of spinach and edamame and freeze into week snack bags to bring to work. Also lots of smoothie ingredients!
Are you getting your pantries camera ready? You can participate in the $20/$20 Challenge by simply sending in pictures of your pantry. Find out more about the $20/$20 Challenge: Show Your Pantry – Fill a Pantry!
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