I’m not sure if you knew this, but I’m obsessed with the tiny house craze that is sweeping the nation! I want one. So I was THRILLED when Kaia sent in pictures of her tiny house as part of our $20/$20 Challenge. Here’s her story:
Hello Mavis!
I don’t really have a pantry, so I hope my “food storage in a tiny house” counts! I wanted to point out my areas of food storage in the first photo but couldn’t figure out how to draw on it. So, I’ll attempt to explain! I have a couple jars of dry goods on the shelf below the toaster oven, some food on the shelf highest above the stove, the bottom drawer between the sink and stove, fridge, and loft.

Are you getting your pantries camera ready? You can participate in the $20/$20 Challenge by simply sending in pictures of your pantry. Find out more about the $20/$20 Challenge: Show Your Pantry – Fill a Pantry!
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Diana says
I too am obsessed with the tiny house movement. Kaia’s home looks fantastic. Aside from the food storage, I love seeing actual WORK STATIONS! She clearly prepares food, does laundry, and sews in her space. I particularly love seeing the sewing machine on the shelf.
Darlene says
I love it!!!! Makes my 1200 square foot house look like a mansion, but I think I’d rather live in the tiny house
Dianna says
My favorite “pantry” yet! I love the use of your kitchen space! In fact, I like the layout of everything pictured. Kaia, any chance you’d be willing to share a pic your living and sleeping area? I’m curious how it all works together. Thank you Kaia, and thank you Mavis!
sharon says
I would love to see that too! She seems so organized!
Maxine says
Love tiny houses too! I wish she’d show the whole house. Thanks for sharing!
Jonnie says
Please take your spices down from above your stove. The heat makes them not last as long, nor taste as good. My adult children keep them in as cabinet next to their stoves, and wonder why, when they cook their food doesn’t taste like mine. All to keep from walking a couple of feet. Not near the Kitchen sink either. Too much heat or moisture is bad. Use a bread box, or the like.
Diana says
A recipe never comes out the same when prepared by another person in another kitchen. It’s the stove, the pans, the grocery store, the weather, and numerous other factors. Heck, my own recipes taste different, depending on whether I prepare them at my house or at my cabin just 60 miles away.
Patti says
Wow, just love her tiny home and kitchen. I so enjoy seeing everyone’s pantries/kitchens and also gardens that you have shared. I need to start purging 10 things every week like you are doing to prepare for our last, eventual move (we are living in our 7 th home, but I hold onto things thinking our grown children, who live far away, might want) I am trying to be mindful of my footprint and really think before I spend our money, which is something I am constantly working to be better at.
Nancy D says
I’ve been encouraged to downsize lately too….and it feels so good! I really didnt think I had much “stuff” laying around. When my husband was on a trip I went through drawers and closets and cupboards and file cabinets and purged 44 grocery bags full of goodwill, garbage, and recycling. It. Felt. Awesome. (And it was only my stuff not his!)
Cindy says
Love Kaia’s tiny home….does she have a blog? Would love to learn more about her lifestyle in her tiny home!!!
Susannah says
I LOVE the whole tiny house concept. I live in a “quasi” tiny house (700 sf), but I think I could definitely go smaller (although I think my “minimum” would be more like 400-450 sf, instead of the true tiny house size of under 200 sf). Thanks for sharing!