I love pantries that wow me like this one does. I’m so glad Marilyn decided to send her pictures in for the $20/$20 Challenge, because now I know I need her to head on out to Seattle and organize my pantry! Pretty please?! Here is Marilyn’s story:

Are you getting your pantries camera ready? You can participate in the $20/$20 Challenge by simply sending in pictures of your pantry. Find out more about the $20/$20 Challenge: Show Your Pantry – Fill a Pantry!
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Karen says
OMGoodness! Totally jealous of this amazing masterpiece!
Mary Ann says
Wow, very impressive!
Julie says
By far my favorite pantry challenge. I love the bits of charm throughout: The scale, the compost bin, cookbooks, silver canister set, vintage bread box. Thank you for the great tip about only putting a couple of the jars on the shelf to prevent shelf sag. I can tell with her system she knows what she wants to make and can probably pull all the ingredients out in less than a minute.
Marilyn K says
Thanks, Mavis, for your donation to a food pantry and for the kind words. I’d love to come to Seattle, but sap is flowing and we are boiling this week! The photos did not show the piles of muddy boots and snow clothes in the entryway and toys and school stuff scattered on the floor…I just skipped those photos! Real life is happening all around us and my kitchen is always being used, so it’s never really cleaned up. It will never really look like a magazine and I’m ok with that. I appreciate beauty and order but am learning to be content whatever the situation!
suzanne says
lovely! I’ve forgotten how much more “stuff ” is needed when cooking for more than two.
Dena says
Say YES to Michigan!
Dawn B says
I just love your pantry. I also wish we could buy raw milk in DE. Would love to get ahold of some of that. Gardening must be a challenge up north there. It is hard enough here in zone 7. I just coulnt imagine having to try and grow things up there. Thanks for a peek into your pantry.
Debi says
Marilyn – that’s an impressive pantry. I also live in the U.P. of Michigan. Wondering where you are at. We have a few food co-ops around here as well. Marquette Food Co-op is the largest by me. We have a few small store food co-ops (Chatham and Trenary).
MarilynK says
Debi- Sounds like we are close! I am in Marquette County and use the Marquette Co-op!