While perusing the world wide web the other day, I found an article about work productivity in relation to time spent working. Basically, it found that working for hours and hours on end did not produce the best work. One study by the University of Toronto found that the workers that took regular lunch breaks {as opposed to working through lunch} had higher productivity.
Even more interesting, another group decided to monitor the work habits of their most productive employees. They found that, on average, their highest producing employees were taking a break from work about every 52 minutes for approximately 17 minutes. Interestingly, they were stepping away from their desks and computers. They would chat with other co-workers, read a book, take a stroll, etc. When they returned, they were more refreshed and ready to work intensely for another 52 minutes. The same employees typically did not work a full 8 hour day–which is kind of ingrained in our minds as the minimum gold standard for working full-time.
I loved this whole idea. I always thought I was able to get so much done because I just can’t sit still, it turns out, I was just taking regular breaks–and not burning myself out on one task {but, also, I can’t sit still}. I know lots of peeps who feel like they have to put in “face time” with the boss–being there early and staying late earns them points. How cool would it be if we could just measure productivity–not time spent. Don’t you wish you could casually sneak this article into your boss’s in-box? 😉
I’d love to hear what the office/desk job people have to say about this? Are you more effective with regular breaks? {Also, if you are reading this at work, don’t feel bad…you’re just taking a break to recharge–tell your boss you’ll be more productive for it :)}
Grilled Avocado Turkey and Feta Cheese Sandwich
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Chelsea says
Ha! I AM reading this at work, my 8hr/day desk job. I make it a point to not stay at my desk during lunch. Getting away give my mind a rest. If I’m working on something for too long, I get tired of it, don’t want to do it, and I’m no longer inspired. Although, I only take two 15 minute breaks away from my desk throughout the rest of the day… one every 52 minutes sounds wonderful!
Chad says
I’m close. I take a 52 minute break every 17 minutes.
Ellen in Clackamas says
This sounds like a great idea. I work at a desk and almost never take breaks and work at my desk during lunch. Many days I am “done” by 2:00 and still have an hour and a half on the clock. Back in the days when I smoked I ALWAYS took breaks and lunch away from the desk. I know my health is better for quitting but I lost that away time. Seventeen minute breaks might be one of my goals for next year!!!
Bryan says
I’m ready this at work, and I definitely believe in the 50 mins on, 10 mins off. I however, shoot for a 90 minutes on, 15 off. It helps me a lot with my productivity. I also wait until 1pm to take the 1 hour lunch break because I’m not worn out yet. It allows a shorter afternoon.
Marcia says
This is pretty fascinating.
I used to work part time – 32 hours a week, about 6.5 hours a day. I still had full time daycare, so I just took longer breaks during the day.
Then I went back to full time – 40 hours a week. I DO NOT get more done than I used to. I’m more tired, more pressed for time, less able to focus.
But hey, I get paid more.
Stacey says
Where I work, we are told we should take our breaks. I work at a call center at a credit union, so we sit at our desks and look at the computer screens for most of our work. No matter how many calls are lined up, we can take our scheduled breaks, which work out to be about every 2 hours. If that isn’t enough, we are allowed to stand up whenever we want to, as long as we can still take calls when they come. This is just one of the ways the employees are valued, and probably one of the reasons I work with quality people who I enjoy seeing every day at a job I never balk at wanting to show up to.
Mavis says
That is awesome Stacey!
Karin Carson says
I work as a Care Aide in 2 facilities and local hospital, we run around like chickens with our heads cut off in two -3 hour stints then maybe can sit fir 5 min, try to sit but must days maybe get 20 min lunch/dinner break but that’s the way if health care.