My thought behind this was…
1. They already have everything they need…
2. I’d personally rather receive a years supply of toothpaste than another cheesy sweater…
The only thing I think is a little weird is that I’m giving FREE loot to my parents as well. (I’m still giving it to them though).
My parents already HAVE everything… and certainly don’t need any more junkity junk to clutter up their place.
So what’s a daughter to do?
I was trying to come up with a clever/cool hostess gift…
Anything but flowers…
I’m not a fan of cut flowers…
I saw this….
Come to Mama…
Holly Crackers… does that look yummy or what???
My Dad would LOVE THIS!!!!
But the price tag is a hefty $120.00
I wonder how much something like that would cost to make?
Well… let’s hope under $14.28…
Because that’s all I have left in this weeks grocery budget.
Pros: I already have a container (FREE),
granny smith apples and dipping chocolate…
Cons: I still need 2 pineapples (Safeway has them on sale today for only .99 cents each), 1 cantaloupoe, 1 honey dew melon, 1lb of grapes, 1-2 lbs of strawberries, kale (for the leafy green at the base) and I would like to add 3-4 chocolate dipped bannanas to the bouquet as well.
I’m thinking I can score free bananas and kale with coupon overage…
What do you think?
Is it possible?
Isn’t this waaaaay better than cut flowers or a bottle of wine?
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