Since we sleep for basically one third of our lives {that’s about an average of 230,000 hours per human!}, catching ZZZs is a pretty hot topic. We’re constantly bombarded with ads for products that will help you sleep better, give you more energy or stop drowsiness. But I’ve found the perfect {and FREE} solution: a power nap. Napping is an art and I think I’ve finally perfected it!
I know what you’re thinking. Even though you think naps are rad, you haven’t had time to take one since you were in kindergarten. Well think again. Studies have proven that even a 15-20 minute visit with Mr. Sandman will help reboot your system and give you that little pick-me-up you were needing. In fact, unless you have an hour or more available for a good long nap, sleeping longer than 20 minutes is counterproductive. Here’s why:
Why a Power Nap is Best
1. A power nap captures the benefits of the first two stages in the sleep cycle. Those first two stages take place in the first twenty minutes. They help make you feel more rested and alert, and get this, even make your brain work faster and more accurately.
2. Sleeping more than 30 minutes can lead to sleep inertia. Sleep inertia is the feeling of incomplete awakening and grogginess that reduces your ability to perform even simple tasks. Part of your body is actually still in a sleep state. Sleep inertia typically lasts 15-30 minutes, and during this period, you are at a reduced level of capacity, may feel sluggish and will end up feeling more tired than before your nap. No bueno!
So now that you know how long you should be power-napping, here are a few quick tips to help you catch some quick winks:
Tips for a Powerful Power Nap
1. Pick the perfect environment. Dark, comfortable and quiet are obviously best, but work with what you have. If you can only nap in your office, draw the blinds, then kick back in your chair or crawl under your desk and grab a little shut-eye.
2. Keep distractions to a minimum. Silence your ringer, put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door or play some quiet music to drown out outside noise. If your distractions keep you from relaxing, your nap time will be eaten up and you’ll have just wasted 20 minutes.
3. Know your body. Does it take you 15 minutes just to fall asleep? If so, schedule 30 minutes for your power nap: 15 to find sleep and 15 to sleep. Is it virtually impossible to wake yourself up? While a quick power-nap should leave you refreshed, it might be best to set an alarm on the other side of the room so you have to physically walk over to shut it off. This will ensure you don’t oversleep and enter sleep inertia territory.
4. Nap at the right time. Experts agree that napping when your body needs it most will make your power nap more productive. Here’s a fun Nap Wheel to find the perfect nap time for you.
5. Sit up straight? One surprising suggestion is to sit slightly upright during your nap, because it will help you avoid a deep sleep. I’ve tried it and it actually works!
6. If you can’t nap, rest is best. If you know you don’t have enough time to fall asleep before you’ll have to be up again, just relax or meditate in a quiet dark place for a few minutes. Try letting your brain take a break, even if you can’t fall asleep. Clearing your mind might not be as helpful as a quick nap, but it’s the next best thing!
So what do you think? Does a quick power-nap reboot your brain or make just you groggy? If you nap, how long of a nap do you take? Or is nap a foreign word to you?
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Kristina says
We are big nappers and try to squeeze one in every weekend. Even our dogs love to nap and all it takes is asking the question, “Who wants to take a nap?” and both of them run right to the bedroom and sit at the end of the bed until I or H or both of us get settled, they they jump up, sprawl out and start snoring before we even doze off.
Karin Carson says
I totally believe in NAPS. I am a mother of two who are 20 months apart, from the time I was 6 months pregnant to when my son turned 3 I had on average no more then 4 hours of consecutive sleep so the power nap was essential. I work in the healthcare field and do 16 hour shifts regularly , I am the queen of the Power Nap and would shrivel up and die with out them. Love my
Marcia@Frugal Healthy Simple says
I love naps! Unfortunately, I never get them. Sometimes I really really need one – the need seems to hit around 10 am or 11 am. I think I maybe get one every three months, on a Saturday or Sunday. says
I can never seem to fit them in when I really really need them. But that makes sense because when I’m running around like a mad woman and crazy busy is when I’m so exhausted, and of course I’d never be able to find time for a nap then!
Coffee to Compost says
I tried it today! It actually worked! I set an alarm, felt lazy and wanted to stay in bed, but my mind was focused and sharp again and soon my body was inspired to get up and get stuff done. Plan to do it again tomorrow. Thanks!!!
Becky says
Naps rock! I do prefer longer naps though. 🙂