Yesterday I stopped by the post office to mail and few letter and HOLY CANOLIES people… there were 3 packages for me to pick up. At first I was like, wait, what? I haven’t ordered anything lately… and then I noticed the address.
Ahhh…The flamingo sanctuary. Of course.Β
Man you guys are fast. LOL. π
Sarah sent in a pair of flamingo plant stakes. I set them in with the pea plants for a little splash of color.
And the bare bottomed garden gnome from Tracey? Nothing says I am a super classy person, please stop and chat a bit, like a plastic gnome with it’s bum exposed in your garden. π
And then there was that giant package.Β
Have I ever told you how much Lucy LOVES to open packages?Β
What’s that? You need a little CPR? No problem my new flamingo friend.
It’s MINE!!!! All mine! These flamingos were sent for me not for you mom.
Holy canolies! Rosemarie sent in an entire flock {12 flamingos!!!} for the yard.
I thought it would be best to play a little game of hide and seek. You know, for all the people walking by. After all, slow and steady wins the race right? I wouldn’t want to stick them all in the front yard and make it look obvious or anything. Weaving the flamingos here and there between the hedges and plants is more artistic. Don’t you think?
This is going to be fun.
Thanks so much everyone,
If you have anyΒ pink flamingosΒ you are willing to part with, please send them my way. There is nothing in the CC&R’s against pink flamingos in the yard. Yet. π
Pink Flamingo Sanctuary Β {Gnomes and dream-catchers are welcome too!}
C/O Mavis Butterfield
P.O. Box 2083
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
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Jen F. says
Mavis you are a hoot! If the HOA enacts a “yard art” provision, your art should be grandfathered since there is no rule against it at the time your flock arrived. Can’t wait to see the followup to this. I’m tempted to put a flock of birds in my yard just to get my neighbors’ and HOA’s hearts all aflutter!
Jessie Stitt says
LOL! DYING!!!! This is a thing of beauty! <3
DIana says
If you ask me, the ones you have already placed in the yard, look quite good. Yes. Very tasteful indeed. More will be even better. *giggle* *snort*
Jeri says
I cannot wait for the hoa response. If love to be a fly in the wall as they meet in private trying to figure it out. Bwahaha!
Tamara says
The hide and seek plan is perfect! I would love to be a fly on the wall at the next HOA meeting, except, of course, I’m sure flies are not allowed!
Tammy says
Mavis, this is hilarious!
Kathleen W. says
I love the “hide & seek flamingos”… rock Mavis !
Deborah Herman says
You may now take a bow. I dub you queen of tacky. I guaranty that the Snoops will be by and I’m sure they will be full of righteous indignation. After all you bought that house knowing full well there was a HOA. They make up all the rules and if you want the pleasure of living under their authority then you WILL follow all of their stringent and oft silly dictates. Just think only a few 100 days left. And think, all the internet activity just may increase the value of your home. You might just come out of this smelling like the rose and not the manure placed around it. Any way you go girl.
Madam Chow says
I almost peed myself when I read this! I wish you were my neighbor!
tc says
Hillarious, I love it all especially the slow and steady hide and seek, you should contact a company that manufactures them and ask for a donation in exchange for advertising on your blog.
Can you sit in your front yard, next to the gnome with a glass of wine waiting for the snoopsters to come by? If I was close to you I would volunteer for that job and video the looks on their faces as they walk by.
Keep on Rocking
Linda says
When things cool down, it would be fun to plaster the presidents front yard in the pink things.
Linda says
president of the HOA that is.
Jane says
Can’t tell you how much I love this!
karen says
Laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants! I can’t wait to watch the flock grow!
kcb says
Holy Cow! I cannot wait for the next installment of Mavis vs. the HOA. Let the games begin!!
Ali says
That made me laugh sooo hard!!!
Go Mavis!
renay says
I particularly like the ‘Hangin’ the BA Gnome’!!!! Ah, the little joys of suburbia…Let the games begin!
Marie says
Oh how I wish you could catch the “architectural committee”‘s responses to these on camera. I freaking LOVE it! You rock!
Tracey says
I love it!! Lol, so glad you like the gnome:)
mari says
Oh you crack me up. You are a real bitch… my kind of bitch… good on you girl!!!. You need a trail camera or better still alive camera feed so we can see the faces of the HOA. Why stop at flamingos…. you need a wee flock of pig and a sheep or two. I have been watching you issues with them with hilarity. Of if only life were really so trivial eh? Hope some one sends you a large wooden spoon too. I look forward to the next episode.
Roni says
Mavis you ROCK. Hook up a video to one of the birds or better yet the gnome then put the snoopsters on YouTube…..I too wish you were my neighbor. I’m just ballsey enough to give them an useful ….
Roni says
An eyeful
Pat says
You are my hero!!! You go, girl.
Tracie H says
Love, love, love it!!!!
Lee says
*giggle* the gnome with his butt hanging out though! this is very entertaining indeed..
Nancy says
I agree post a trail or game camera and catch their reactions.
Bonnie Testerman says
I love your site and I visit it daily. I use your hints, shop with Amazon because of your recommending it, made the different concoctions for cleaning. So you can be assured that I am a bonafide fan. That being said, I have a different view of HOAs from yours.Sorry about the ivy, here we discourage ivy because of the accompanying problem of rats. A big problem here.
I am an elected VOLUNTEER board member of my HOA where I live. We board members have been charged with maintaining the CC&Rs of our development. I suppose some would call me a “snoopster”, a mostly thankless and at times contentious task. Violations include, dangerous tree branches, burnt out light bulbs, overgrown weeds, vehicles parked too in the same spot, [street sweeping problems] broken mail boxes etc. I do not cherish this job but I do love my neighborhood. Each homeowner signed an agreement to follow the CC&Rs of our association. There are rules that I do not like, such as the ridiculously slow speed limit, We have to get our next door neighbors to sign off if we paint our homes and a few more that I don’t care for. I signed the agreement.
Have you considered that others where you live might appreciate having the agreement that you all signed ?
Taste is a curious thing, perhaps you will start a trend in your neighborhood and everyone will join you and buy flamingos. People from near and far will start driving through slowly on the streets to view the flamingos, as they do at Christmas time, to view the colorful lights. Perhaps another neighbor will elect to choose frogs or elephants.
Did you really want to offend the other homeowners on your street ? Something to ponder. I am a big supporter of you but I think one of your wheels is slipping off the track. Take a deep breath and move on, you are better than this.
Peace out Girl Scout ———– Bonnie
Mary Ann says
Wow, just wow.
Snoopster, indeed. Maybe it’s time for HOA’s to lighten up a bit. The world really doesn’t need to be “Stepford”.
Caroline says
ROFLMAO. “Cause if you mind your own business then you won’t be mindin’ mine.” Name that tune… So, people willingly volunteer to be nosey assholes in neighborhoods that entirely don’t need it? I think Mavis has perfectly reasonable judgment for a normal person who actually cares about her property’s appearance, don’t you agree? It’s not like she’d need someone to tell her there’s a bunch of garbage in her yard, or it’s not like she’s on the verge of doing something rash, like burning leaves a few feet away from the house, or chaining up six pit bulls in the side yard so they can strangle themselves (true story). If you really wanted to make a difference, perhaps you should consider sticking your nose in areas that actually need it, like Detroit say…or I’m sure there are plenty of neighborhoods right there in your own town with actual serious issues that need ‘beautifying.’…
Diana says
Caroline, I think you raise a good question of what HOA’s should focus on, and what is too petty and mean for the HOA ‘volunteers’ to spend their time…and reputation…on. It is easy to shake a finger at Mavis and tell her she knowingly agreed to those rules. But the ivy and garden issues used against Mavis, by someone hiding behind the ‘HOA’ were petty and misguided, imo. Furthermore, I bet that many naive home buyers don’t realize how an overzealous and irresponsible HOA can ruin their lives. Or how one crazy individual can bully the HOA into doing his/her bidding, no matter how petty the demand. To be harassed and haunted in your own home by your neighbors over petty matters, to the point where you don’t even want to step out the door, is a nightmare. To be ‘fined’ and assessed fees over petty nonsense can quickly lead to bankruptcy. Go Mavis.
If HOA’s don’t teach themselves to act responsibly, the government and courts will step in and make things fair. Our state already has statutes governing HOAs, so it would not take much to add to those as necessary.
Colleen says
This is PRECISELY why we’d never consider a place within a HOA. Today, they’re complaining about transplanting ivy – tomorrow, they’re making you pay more than your “fair share” for something because there are several vacancies – the next day, you’re paying for something you don’t think needs to be done.
I’d much rather pay 100% of everything that needs to be done on MY property – in the way *I* think it needs to be done.
Which means I can put the ivy any place I want to.
Alicia says
You freakin’ rock! Can one of us send you a nanny-cam-flamingo so we can see the hoa informants’ responses???? π
Maxine says
Love it! Pink flamingoes, awesome trolls, and lots og puggle pics!
Rachel says
Life’s too short to worry about a few pink flamingos. ;0)
Jennifer says
I don’t have a problem with the flamingos at all.
After all, you followed THEIR guidelines.
I’d kill to see their faces.
Melissa Schad says
On Pinterest there is an pin on how to make your very own USED TIRE alligator…………………..just a thought
Melissa Schad says
It could be eating a flamingo.
Lisa Millar says
Brilliant… love all the pink faces peeking out of here and there.
The bare bum gnome is special! π
And its not like you have just dumped them all in the front to annoy people… I guess in a HOA there is so little chance to show individual style, this is a nice little loophole to have some fun with!
Looking forward to hearing about any reactions!
Em says
What’s your former helper Andy doing these days?
Mavis Butterfield says
He now owns a beauty salon. π
Sandra says
If they object to pink flamingos, you could try spray painting them turquoise…or lime green…fluorescent orange, perhaps?
Andi Shannon says
Glow in the dark paint!
Practical Parsimony says
How funny! I did not realize this pink flamingo idea was afoot. Great job in beautifying the front yard. I wonder what new rule about the numbers of flamingo the HOA will passed. Maybe everyday you could put them in new configurations–circle for fairy flamingos, conga line, hide and seek in flowers and trees, Maybe costumes would work. Love it all. You will probably make the papers.
Rita Kerr says
“It’s Mavis’ fault, Honey!!” That’s what I had to tell my husband, when my laughing woke him. ha ha ha I LOVE IT! As I’ve told you before, girlfriend. You are so entertaining. Informative. Yet also very entertaining. π
Lisa says
Well said Bonnie.
As a long time reader of your blog Mavis I think that you are a little off base here. I know you had said that you purchased this home with an HOA so it would be an easy sell in the future because quote “when I go to sell my home I wonβt have to worry about the pink house next door or the guy with his 1980β²s Uncle Eddie camper down the street, or the guy with his car jacked up on cinder blocks in his front driveway making my home to potential buyers undesirable.”
While I agree with you that gardens are not offensive( or even pink flamingos) I am sure there are others in the HOA who do not agree with you and think that gardens, certain plants and also pink flamingos are offensive. While I feel you would have a case to fight against others snooping into your business I do not feel you should be fighting something that you agreed to. You signed on to live in the HOA Mavis. I agree with Bonnie that others did too and that it is disrespectful to someone who would find what you are doing just as offensive as a car up on cinder blocks. Please rethink what you are doing.
You had all the freedom in the world at your last home and it seems like it was a poor choice to choose something so restrictive and then fight it. Don’t make others have to work at changing what seems to be a frustrating decision on your part.
Sherry says
This is the best thing I’ve read this week! Loved seeing the packages that some readers sent to you. Sometimes you just have to poke fun at life, because we all know far too much of it is way too serious!
Mavis Butterfield says
Thank you. I totally agree. π
Pam says
Love the “hide & seek” flamingo idea! Wish I could see the neighbors faces when they spot a flamingo, then wait there’s another & another ……. Love it!
Alison R says
Rock on Mavis!! <3
ConnieP says
Many, many years ago I had a beloved mentor/boss and well respected executive give me the best advice ever … “Don’t take this s**t too seriously.” Had I listened to him back then, I would not be a recovering control freak today. My hope is that your quiet and colorful rebellion will be the very catalyst that prompts your readers to consider when to conform and when to throw caution to the wind with a smile. Thanks, Mavis … for ALWAYS keepin’ it light. Your blog is a part of my regular therapy. π
Ronnica, Striving Stewardess says
I like your subtle approach…nothing like rubbing it in their noses “subtly.”
Pam E-P says
Would love a flamingo update! Also, I downloaded the Gaelic Storm album. Loved it! If you ever have a chance to see The Fighting Jamesons, take it!
Mavis Butterfield says
I’m working on it right now. π Should be up later this afternoon. π
Pam E-P says
Diane G says
My Mom lived in a neighborhood without a HOA, and one of her neighbors kept calling the town zoning office to complain about her. It was a hassle for both the town employees and her to keep addressing the issues, especially when she wasn’t breaking any laws. She finally got him to stop by putting up a 6 foot fence and painting the side that faced his property bright flamingo pink. When he called the town to complain, they advised him that a homeowner could paint their fence any color they chose and it might be in his best interest to actually talk to his neighbor to work it out. If you ever need to re-home those flamingos, I have a front yard in a HOA free neighborhood that I would be proud to put them in. (My neighbors have a pretty good sense of humor)