Along the fence….these are the only ones I am watering…
Behind the tall trees…
Along the back fence…
In last years compost pile…
In buckets…
I have no idea where these are…looks like along another section of the fence…
Some were in the woods….
Last winter when I was ordering my potato seed from Seed Savers I wasn’t sure what I really wanted. In the end I decided it would be less expensive to order the 20lb sampler than to order a little of this and a little of that. So when it came time to plant the potatoes this spring, I was a little overwhelmed with just how many 20lbs of seed potatoes really was. At first I thought, no problem, I have plenty of room. But then as I started, I realized that in order to plant potatoes I would actually have to dig LOT’S of holes and water them too.
The only problem was that according to my companion planting guide there are lot’s of vegetables that don’t like to be planted next to potatoes. So I decided not to plant them in my garden beds but rather along fences, in old compost piles, buckets and other random places. One thing I failed to realize at the time of my mad potato planting was that I would need to water these things. Who thinks about that when you live in Seattle and it rains every few days.
And since the hose only reaches one plot of the potatoes, I am leaving the rest to fend for themselves: Rain water or no water.
So this year’s crop will be an experiment {that’s code for I was too lazy to dig trenches in the rain and plant them properly}.
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