When you’re attempting to grow tons of food in your garden, there are a lot of gardening tools involved. And it doesn’t seem to matter how many I own or buy, I always find myself needing an extra set of hands. I’ll head out to the garden and weed; I need a place to put the weeds. I harvest a junk ton of zucchini every year; I need a place to put the zucchini. I pluck a bumper crop of pears off my trees and am left scrambling to push a box around to collect them all. And then I discovered the Roo apron. HOLY CATS! How have I gardened this long without it?
The good people of Roo Aprons sent me one to try {Roo Apron, like kangaROO pouch. Get it. Clever, right?!}. I have to admit I was skeptical. How could a silly apron really store enough to be useful to me when harvesting? But then I used it to pick apples and let me tell you Bob, it was the coolest thing ever. Way easier than lugging around a bag or box to collect them in. I didn’t have to carry anything else around except myself. How awesome is that?
I put the apron on and loaded that apron to the max. It was still comfortable. The straps weren’t digging into my shoulders and it was so stinkin easy to use. I piled all the apples I wanted into the pouch and then when I was ready, I simply pulled the cord and easily released the apples. Here are a couple of cool things about the Roo Apron:
It’s made from industrial strength cotton so it’s tough as nails.
It has a water resistant nylon storage pouch so nothing will leak through to your clothes or poke you through the apron.
The plastic hooks allow for easy release of the pouch.
It has self adjusting straps that make for a comfortable fit for all sizes.
I can throw the apron I’ve dirtied into the washing machine with all my other laundry!
- The Roo is very affordable and will make a perfect addition to your Christmas wish list!
Check out how to use the Roo apron in the video below:
They market it by saying it’s not an apron it’s a tool, and I totally agree.
If you’d like to order one hop on over to The Roo Website and use code 100amonth for a 20% discount on the Roo. This discount is good until 11/23/13 at midnight.
It really is such a perfect invention and I think every gardener should own one!
Buy your very own Roo apron HERE!
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Madam Chow says
Oh, wow, this is exactly what I need!
Johanne says
Okay, so I sent the info to my kids so they could order it for me for Christmas. How many times have I been caught yelling to anyone in the house to bring me more bowls to gather the produce I didn’t realize was ripe? Haha!
Laura says
I’ll keep using my shirt. It’s pretty expensive.
suzy says
Mavis, Do you think a plastic shoe box size container would fit in the pouch? when picking berries, I am tired of only using one hand while holding the pail, or putting the pail on the ground and then realize the pail is not in reach from when I worked myself to.
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes, I think it would Suzy.
Sally says
My brother is the inventor of the Roo and I have one of the first ones . I love mine! It is great for picking green beans, cukes and corn. Every gardener needs one!
Heather says
I’ve got to chime in on the Roo – I bought one at the Garden Show a couple of years ago and I love it. I have it hanging right next to the door as I go out because I’m forever stopping just to grab one little weed or harvest one little thing. I used to end up with pockets stuffed with dirt and weeds and fingernails full of grime. Now I have gloves, clippers and a little weeder that live in my Roo.
Denice Henderson says
I would love a red Roo. That way all my neighbors would see me working hard on my garden. They are the cats meow!
Denice Henderson says
Red Please. I love the Roo! It would be much easier to carry my garden tools. Thanks for the consideration
Denice Henderson says
Red…no blue…. no red….now blue…. Surprise me! It was hard enough to decide what to plant in my container garden. lol
Denice Henderson says
Blue Please. It seems like everything you suggest Is soooooooooo awesome!
Denice Henderson says
I like you on facebook and twitter. Twice! lol
Claudia says
I was on the internet searching for a sewing pattern that I could make for collecting produce, putting in all kinds of different things to find one, even thought of kangaroo pouches. I came across this sight and the” Roo” apron . WOW! WOW! This design is much better than what I had in my head. BRILLIANT!