I came across my grandmothers tin of old buttons the other day, and decided I really needed to put them to good use. A lot of them are mismatched single buttons that I will never use for a sewing project or buttons I’ve collected over the years, but they are so unique, I don’t want them to go to waste so I decided to turn them into some bookmarks, and knew it would be a perfect way to use them.
Supplies You’ll Need:
Paper clips {I like the colored ones best}
Hot glue gun and glue stick
Felt or snippets of wool
Hot glue the button onto the top of a paper clip. Cut a small piece of felt and hot glue it onto the back of the button/paper clip combo. The felt will hide the hot glue bump from gluing on the button and give you a cleaner finish.
I think these would make such a cute gift, along with your favorite book.
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Anna-Maria says
Those bookmarks are adorable. If only I had such cute buttons I would make some of these. My local fabric store sells little packs of random buttons. Maybe I should buy some. I am thinking that you could also do this with plain hair clips for little girls. Just glue the buttons on the end.
Mavis says
Good idea about the hair clips. I bet that would work perfectly!