Week #17 On $100 A Month
And seriously… when and if I do have free time I’d much rather spend it annoying the Handsome Husband, hiding form the crazy PTA lady or scheming about how to go on my next vacation for dirt cheap.So there… ignorance is bliss…
My name is Mavis… and I don’t need no stinkin t.v. show…Unless of course Conan O’Brien want’s to talk about coupons with me… then of course I’d make the time… (I have a thing for tall, pale, Irish guys with bad hair… what can I say…)
So what were we talking about?
Oh Ya… what I bought this week…(seriously… does anyone even care anymore?)
Well… anyway… here goes…
Passover clearance sale $5.44 after mail in rebate and stamp.
$3.80 (Airport price)
It was 5 am… I needed a VERY large cup of tea… enough said.
$2.95… Okay… I’m going to tell you something… something you’re totally not going to believe… but I’ll tell you anyway. Are you sitting down? Good…because it pretty much goes against the Law of Mavis…
Safeway is having a deal on gift cards right now. Basically… buy a $50 gift card get a $10 off catalina coupon good on your next order. So… spend $50 on a department store gift card get $10 worth of groceries for free.
I sat down and penciled out what I thought I would spend at specific stores over the next 6 months to a year and bought $500 worth of gift cards. HOLY CRACKERS MAVIS… did you fall on your head? NO… no I did not… thank you for asking.
Here’s the thing…
I have 1 wedding and 1 graduation on my radar in which I will have to give a “real gift”… Much to my disappointment… taco seasoning packets simply will not do for these people… especially my sister… who has already made it clear she does not want me to show up to her wedding with a free pallet of pasta sauce… She had the nerve to tell me it was tacky! Oh the outrage…
Plus… The Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird typically buys a fancy pair of shoes or two at the Nordstrom Anniversary sale in July each year. So… because I’m so freakin clever… when she goes up to the register to pay… I will whip out the Nordstrom card and she can pay me the cash (she buys her own clothes)… see… who says you can’t make money off your kids? And The Girl also likes to buy $5 t-shirts from J.C.Penny’s … so again… I think I’m one step ahead of the game with this deal… Hey… $100 worth of free groceries sounds like a deal to me! FYI: I used $70 in catalina coupons… and still have $30 left to use.
Holy Cow am I chatty this morning or what? … Must be all that FREE herbal tea I’ve been drinking lately…
Total Spent This Week $ 26.24
Total Spent Year To Date $410.62
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