I spent $2.87 at QFC on the stuff in the above photo … I also spent $2.99 for a gallon of milk from I don’t remember where… Hopefully it wasn’t from the strange man selling sacks of oranges on the street corner.
I picked up 4 boxes of fake Lucky Charms for .25 cents a box at Fred Meyer last week. Normally I don’t like paying for cereal unless it’s granola or Kashi… but I saw a rainbow earlier that morning and was hoping to find a leprechaun and a pot of gold under the fake Lucky Charm cereal display when I got to the store to scope out coupon deals… I was pretty bummed when I didn’t… And then I began to wonder… why are all leprechauns male? What about girl leprechauns… where are they hiding? Is it some big secret? Does anyone know the answer?
By the time Sunday morning rolled around and after all was said and done… I paid $13.26 for everything you see above (plus a few more boxes of free pizza’s). You can see all the Albertsons double coupon deals HERE. (I’ll be doing a baby giveaway a little later today (I’ll let you know when and where in a little bit). My favorite deal was the bottles of Sue Bee Honey I found for $3.29 a bottle with $1.00 hang tags (which I doubled) on them. I LOVE HONEY. Having it in the bottle sure beats having to sneak packets of it from Panera… and plus it’s kinda fun to squeeze honey bear bottles too.
Pantyliners!!!! My favorite! Actually I paid a whopping .12 cents for 11 packages… I should of brought my re usable bag to Target … I would of saved an additional .05 cents… Bummer! Hey… speaking of pantyliners… did you get the $1.00 off coupon in the 5/8 SS insert? If not (or if you want more) you can go HERE and print out a $1.00 off coupon. That should get you 1 free package of Carefree pantyliners at Target… Consider it my personal gift to you… Happy Monday!
Total spent this week $20.24
Total Spent year to date $450.25
How about you? Did you pick up anything for FREE this week?
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