120 Fortune Cookies from Cash and Scary $5.09 FYI: there are only about 40 left… and the best part? We haven’t even had Chinese food yet to go with them… nope… they’re the snack of choice around here lately.
Remember that top secret cupcake party? Well look what I brought home… FREE VEGETABLES… I love it when people stand around at the end of a party and ask me if there’s anything I would like to take home… Yep… that’s me… Mavis… taker of free food that nobody else wants… I don’t even care if people breathed on it… or coughed on it (okay actually I do care… but then again… if I got sick because I ate a carrot that someone coughed on I could just lay in bed for 2 days and blog and nap all day long… so maybe that really wouldn’t be a bad thing after all).
Free crap food and a case of canned peaches… I LOVE SWAGBUCKS!
So the weekend before last there were coupons for FREE Strawberry lemonade @ Mc Donalds… so one day (okay 2) after school we went over there and used our coupons (I still have about 25 more).
But The Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird refused to go inside so we had to go through the drive thru with the windows rolled up (because of the stinky fry/burger smell coming out of the Mc Donalds vents). FYI: This drink does not taste like REAL strawberry lemonade… it was FREE… but still… It ranked about a 2 on the “This tastes like real strawberry lemonade” meter.
$7.56 at Fred Meyer… SHOCKING!
FREE pasta, FREE cracker combos… and 12 tomato plants for $3.00
Because I’m super smart… I paid $2.85 for a Starbucks coffee to keep my favorite cashier happy while she rang up my double coupon order… Tip of the day: A caffeinated cashier is a happy cashier.
The total for all of the above BEFORE COUPONS $415.51
The Mavis is on coupon crack price $7.36
Total spent this week $25.86
Total spent year to date $476.11
So how about YOU? What did you get for free last week?
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