I thought I’d take pictures of my shopping trips/ barters a little differently this week. (Let me know if you like this layout better)
On Saturday I woke up early and headed out to 3 stores with my $23.07 for the week in my wallet…
Albertson’s $2.68 (Chips for the football game, toothpaste, dish soap,soup,cough drops, bread,guacamole, red pepper & bananas)
Fred Meyer (2 boxes of trash bags $4.74)
Rite Aid .02 cents! (Holy Crap!) Milk, Orange Juice, Fancy Beverages, and Motrin… which we don’t use… but I made $2.00 on each box… so I picked it up…duh…
Total round trip time 1hr.15 minutes.
At this point I had $15.63 left and $8 in Rite Aid Up Rewards
Then on Sunday morning I went shopping at Rite Aid… Again…
I thought I took 3 pictures… (of 3 separate sets of transactions) but apparently not ( so I’m missing a picture… I have no idea what of though… sorry… It was a rather interesting morning… and all I know is I ended up with $12.50 and $27 in Rite Aid Up Rewards when I finished…
Total round trip time 1hr 30 minutes.
Bartered/FREE Avocados, Lemons, Sparkling Water, and Mussels in Cream Sauce…
FYI: I won’t count bartering time into the equation… mostly because it’s really pretty social.. we sit and drink tea and yackety yack about the latest & greatest…
Later in the week I ended up at Rite Aid again… this time I picked up some Haggen Daz, brown rice and chili… plus some office supplies (not pictured).
I’d say I spend 1/2 an hour…
And then Friday morning I headed down to my favorite store…
Albertsons $6.00… 20 canisters… not bad 🙂
I would have had 5 more… but I gave a friend 5 coupons so she could get some cheap oats too.
3 bags of bread, 2 tomatoes… and 2 grapefruit…
I was in and out of the store in about 20 minutes…
(I would have finished sooner… but I to had to stop by and say hello to my boyfriend in the produce department… get my free cookie from the bakery, check in with my favorite stock girl and yackety yack it up with the cashiers…)
This was a pretty slow (grocery) week for me…
No Double Coupons to redeem or any spectacular sales…
I think it’s important to note how important it is to buy when prices are low…
Like the oatmeal… Yes, Holy Crap that’s a lot of oatmeal… but it has an expiration date of 5/2012… and the toilet paper… well that never expires 🙂
I finished the week with $2.23 in cash and $2.00 in Rite Aid Up Rewards.
Not bad…
However…I must admit we are almost out of chicken in the freezer…
and I’m down to my favorite box of Tazo Awake tea…
I have a feeling it’s gonna get ugly around here pretty soon…
One last thing…
I’m really excited about a few of my posts for next week…
If you want to save money on groceries… you’ll want to be sure and check back on Monday… I’ll be giving away couponing secrets all week long!
Total Spent This Week $20.84
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