The handsome husband came home with 2 cases of rhubarb last night. A guy at work lives next to a farm and apparently 15 acres of the stuff went unpicked this year because they didn’t have enough buyers/would lose money picking it. So they were giving it away. Free works for me!
I also chopped up enough to fill 4 quart bags and stuck them in the freezer for pies later this fall.
And even after all that I still had just about a whole box of the stuff left. So I did what I usually do when I have extra produce to unload. I did a commando night drop at 12:10 am (after I finished canning) and left it in my neighbor’s driveway (I would of put it on top of his van but he parked it in his garage) with a nice note attached: “Chino, give this to your brother so his wife can make him a pie.” I left it in his driveway because #1: it was to late to call & #2: I knew he would see his brother early the next morning & #3: I was afraid if I left it on the porch he might not see it and the rhubarb would go bad. This way he had a 50/50 chance of either backing into the box and freaking out thinking one of the kids left out a toy or wondering if he needs to call the bomb squad because there was an unmarked box in his driveway.
Aren’t neighbors the best. If they are not calling you to borrow something, they’re leaving crap in your driveway.
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