It’s no secret that I love myself some farmer’s market. The produce is usually waaaaay fresher than the grocery store, comes in different varieties, and best of all, cuts out the middleman–leaving produce in your fridge and cash right in the farmer’s pocket. Does anyone else feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
They key to shopping farmer’s markets is to embrace the season. It’s not like the grocery store where you’ll find oranges shipped in from Australia or cantaloupe from Mexico. Most of the food has been grown within 100 miles of the market, so your climate and soil will dictate what you’ll find. That being said, once you wrap your mind around that, you’ll totally be able to savor the season.
I thought it might be kind of fun to arm you with a little monthly guild to the farmer’s market. Keep in mind, it will vary a bit from state to state, but in general, it will hold true.
What You’ll Likely See at the Farmer’s Market in October:
- Spinach, Lettuce, Swiss Chard, Greens
- Cabbage
- Pears
- Apples
- Onions
- Winter Squash and Pumpkins {Yes!!!}
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Tomatoes {in the earlier part of the month}
- Zucchini
- Peas
- Green Beans
- Beans
- Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Parsnips and lots of other root vegetables
- Potatoes
- Mushrooms {if you live in a dry area, you may only find dried mushrooms}
- Fresh cheese {both cow and goat}
- Milk
- Local honey
- Local salsas and sauces
- Farm Fresh Eggs
- Sausages and Meats
- Fresh Herbs
- Flowers {both picked and for planting–look for mums and other fall flowers}
- Bulbs for planting
Most farmer’s markets close sometime in October. Try not to fall {pun intended} into a deep depression. Enjoy the fall colors, tastes, and sounds–they are bittersweet.
Hopefully, you remembered to can some of your purchases for the upcoming winter months. If not, it’s not too late! Check out my Canning Tutorial to get started.
Want to know how to choose the best of what the farmer’s market has to offer? Check out Choosing the Best Produce at the Farmer’s Market for tips.
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Jan says
Lol you made me laugh. Oranges from Australia hehe. In our off season here in Aussie we get oranges from California. Love your blog.