I thought I would share a few photos and update you how our wood pallet garden is coming along. As you can see the romaine lettuce we started from seed under grow lights is doing great. Lettuce is a great cool weather crop and is perfect to plant in the spring.
The mystery deep red lettuce and bok choy are also growing well. I did notice a few little bite marks in the boy choy though. I’m not sure if it was Lucy the Puggle Dog or a squirrel.
We grew celery in pallets last year and it did great. It looks like this year is off to a good start as well.
If I had to guess this spinach should be ready to start picking in another 2 weeks.
The Endive lettuce is looking great as well. This is my first time growing endive so I’ll have to find out how big the heads get and when I’m suppose to harvest it. Does anyone know?
Our wood pallet strawberries are also doing great. Last year I planted strawberries in a vertical wood pallet. This year I am growing them flat on the ground. I wonder if there will be a difference in the yield because of this. What do you think? I think I’ll get more with the pallet laying on the ground because they’ll be more evenly watered. We’ll see.
This is my second year using wood pallets and although it’s a little different than your traditional garden, it’s still a lot of fun.
Have you ever planted a wood pallet garden before? How did it go?
Mavis wants to know.
Want to learn more about wood pallet gardening and how I put mine together? Click on the pallets above and they will take you to my first pallet garden post of the year. You’ll also learn what to look for when choosing a pallet.
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Lisa says
I went to the nursery yesterday and bought a bunch of herbs to make a vertical pallet herb garden. Hopefully I’ll get it done today! Thanks for the inspiration and taking the time to answer my question on what herbs to get! 🙂
Jesse says
My endive heads can get bigger than a basketball if I don’t harvest regularly!
By the way, this is anotherr great candidate for making lettuce pinatas for the chickens!
Cecily says
I think the red lettuce is radicchio. I am growing some and it looks identical to yours.
Gloria S. says
Mavis I’d also like to know your input on Tagro, I’m in Naples, FL and the county next to us does the Organic Matter Compost Soil I’m tempted to do my garden with this soil it’s like $10 a cubic yard!